2nd Universal Reading for July 2024 “Stories” are signs of the Son of God’s belief in the possibility of separation from God.
1. Our female energy of “making a home” will have more ability to bring us to Heaven than our male energy.
Put that on the back burner of your mind and imagine what that could mean.
Our FEMININE ENERGY, in both males and females, tell us “Where we belong.”
If “hell” in its guilt, shame, fear, and manipulation are embraced by our feminine side, the male side will defend it literally “TO THE DEATH.”
Heaven is Eternal Life in the witness of God and His Son KNOWING and VALUING the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN the TWO AS YOUR Primary Desire.
Pretty simple, eh?
2. See the “stories” for what they are.
Our stories are that which lock us into emotional connection to the past, so that we are not free to exist moment by moment in the Holy Instant of TRUE RELATIONSHIP in, to, and AS part of GOD’s SON.
They are signs of the Son of God’s belief in the possibility of separation from God.
They are signs of the Son of God’s belief in the possibility of separation from God.
They are signs of the Son of God’s belief in the possibility of separation from God.
I repeat,
They are signs of the Son of God’s belief in the possibility of separation from God.
3. See each other as the innocent Child, Christ, that they are a part of.
You HAVE to look “INWARD” to see it most of the time.
The “egomania” in pandemic and affects all of us.
Even the ones who are “outside the ego-mentality” will find themselves in an environment where they play “supporting roles” to the egos of those who cling to the idea of separation as if it were “life itself” only to find themselves manifesting roles that bring NO TRUE Joy, Happiness, or Peace.
4. Depression or Heaven; humanity will begin to see that they need to choose between one or the other.
And the FACT that it is a CHOICE WILL BECOME SO OBVIOUS that those who remain in the darkness of depression will have to “FIGHT HARDER” to remain there.
THIS is where the world finds itself today.
Tactics of all sorts to uphold the ego are being flaunted but they will be seen for the FRAUDULENT MASKS that they are.
Even if you have a chemical imbalance and depression is a significant part of your “story” you can KNOW INSIDE that this is but a role you play, and that God IS by the witness of the Holy Spirit.
Till next time, God bless, debi.