(3 of 4) My Review* Through ACIM Lens; Lao-Tzu, Tao: CAUTION, Childhood trauma discussed.

Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
12 min readFeb 12, 2025


A person’s approach to sexuality is a sign of his level of evolution.

* Agreed, though there are no levels in Reality, only in non-reality.

* The Tao, the subtle energy that brought forth the origin of the universe, I call Heavenly Father. A Course in Miracles has taught me His True Name is LOVE which He also Gave to His Son.

* Non-reality sees a body as a being. Reality sees God/Father/LOVE in all things moving through the Son despite his many ideas and forms of separation.

Unevolved person’s practice ordinary sexual intercourse.

Placing all emphasis on the sexual organs, they neglect the body’s other organs and systems.

Whatever physical energy is accumulated is summarily discharged, and the subtle energies are similarly dissipated and disordered.

It is a great backward leap.

* Agreed.

* I am speaking of my understanding of Jesus’ teachings first then my experience and understanding. I am the student.

* The “other organs and systems” of the body are still bodies and not the subtle energy he acknowledges as Tao/Father. There are also the chakras and the meridians which still embody the imagination of the Son, but do not necessarily include the Father in the mind of the son.

* Whenever one sees the body as who one truly IS we have lost connection with Father.

* It is like making a chalk drawing on the sidewalk and having IT say to you, “This is who you are.”

* Though many DO accept that concept, my understanding is what “manifests” so others can see it is our creation, not our reality. Though this could be merely our thoughts that we perceive as real also.

* Our True Reality is not discernable by the naked eye. Only the “spiritual eye” will SEE through a knowing that comes with the

recognition of Tao/Father/God.

* Acknowledging the esoteric and divinity of the individual will enhance the act, but it is still NOTHING compared to acknowledging FATHER with us.

* This has significant meaning to me because my dad molested me when I was eight and my internal wiring got really confused about the act of sex.

* Now, in my advanced years when my body wants that kind of attention there have been times when I visualize participating freely with my dad in the act. (Remember that I do not have a partner and have not for years. So, yeah, that.) That obviously may sound disgusting but try to take away the judgment and consider what is going on there. Could it be part of the healing and witness of forgiveness of my dad?

* Having that experience as a child I felt that I had to remove guilt from the act, or I would not be able to engage in it. The fact that my stepmother told me that she was not inclined to enjoy the act and faked it well, and loudly, may have influenced me as well in my determination to have satisfaction in that part of my existence also.

* I had a three-week adventure in the realm of promiscuity when I was separated in my first marriage, (the man who I just found out lost his long-term battle with cancer yesterday, or today, I forget which at the moment. I have come back to reviewing this before posting.) and I think that was to let me know that I did want that kind of engagement with humanity.

* Though I never lost my sex-drive per se. I ended up with a man who had four children at home and a wife who cursed regularly. He was 13 years my senior and at 20, I was convinced that he admired my desire to have faith in God and I was the answer to his quest for love. HA!

* From childhood, I have sought the answers to how God, witnessed of to me by Jesus in my childhood whose name I heard from my stepmother at four years old when she gave me a cross and told me he was looking after me when she caught me with my hands in my panties pulling on my labia after having laid me down for a nap. I knew nothing of orgasm then, but it was like sucking my thumb or a back rub, a comfort in a new and confusing place.

* My hands in my panties were no doubt because of the recollection of that experience with my cousin who was a lot bigger than me with whom I stayed as a toddler.

* I suspect there were many such occurrences, but I only have clear recollection of one time, thank you, Father.

* As a child I chose to not give up the delight of existence because of the untrustworthy behavior of those in my sphere of awareness.

* Perhaps these experiences and choices as a child, including the one to go into love instead of anger when I felt left out of my dad’s attention on one occasion I recall clearly, have allowed me NOT to be OFFENDED at the IDEA of seeing God as a FATHER. More specifically, “AS” MY FATHER.

* Sadly, many from similar and more challenging backgrounds cannot say this.

For those who aspire to the higher realms of living, there is an angelic dual cultivation.

* Seeing Heaven on Earth in Form is the REALITY that I seek to bear witness of.

* Divinity is suggested here in the term “angelic.” Dual is a term I have little respect for except in relation to Father and Son Whom I see as LIGHT and light.

* Grammarly does not like me using the phrase “in relation to,” yet that is exactly what I am seeking to express. Grammarly prefers “about, to, with, or concerning, each of which sees them separated by the grammatical use of “and,” rather than in a symbiotic relationship which is Reality outside of the fear manufactured by the belief in separation.

Because every portion of the body, mind, and spirit yearns for the integration of yin and yang, angelic intercourse is led by the spirit rather than the sexual organs.

* The idea of yin and yang has created quite a lot of trouble for a long time and continues to attempt to suffocate the LIGHT that IS FATHER.

* People have associated it with the male and female, even calling the light male and the female darkness. What is not understood is the simple concept of Father/Son Who make up the whole of All That Is AS ONE.

* In the Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I came upon an understanding that there is one truth from which all others must flow. SPIRIT helped me sort out the question once I asked it consciously and the answer was that GOD IS REAL.

* I knew this about a year or so before I found A Course in Miracles, which gave me a second witness as Helen Schucman found the scroll that had all past and all future written on it with a center that said “GOD IS” that she chose to stay in. Doing this gave her the clearance for her role as scribe for A Course in Miracles.

* Humanity can imagine itself as spirit without that FIRST TRUTH that “GOD IS.”

* The yin-yang what makes me uncomfortable in the presentation of the Tao in my opinion, not that I know a lot. It is also how the Course has been interpreted by the world at large. Despite Helen’s experience. I do not feel that she felt comfortable saying that God existed even though she behaved in many ways as if He did.

Where ordinary intercourse is effortful, angelic cultivation is calm, relaxed, quiet, and natural.

* Sexual addiction is like any other in that you need additional stimuli or variety to continue the high or result such as setting the stage, and additional enticements like soft or hard porn to help maintain the desire or relationship forgetting that there is truly only One with which to have a relation and that is GOD.

* Acknowledging Father and sharing existence in form with another part of “Yourself” or Christ, is Heavenly IF Father is in the experience and Jesus through SPIRIT has said, “That’s the One.”

* Jesus is connected to us telepathically in spirit and uses SPIRIT to give and receive instruction as we all do.

* It is my understanding that we need to raise the bar on our willingness to allow ourselves to respond to sensuality and not see it as something that “has to be” expressed (the idea of “blue balls” comes to mind) but as something that bears witness to the Presence of Father Hymnself. My way of saying we are all connected in Father, male/female, in praise of existence.

* The energy that draws us to want to join IS the Energy of that which connects us all.

Where ordinary sex unites sex organs with sex organs, angelic sex unites spirit with spirit, mind with mind, and every cell of one body with every cell of the other body.

* Sex with Heavenly Father SEEN as the Son through another individual allows you to witness the WHOLE SONSHIP in one form.

* I know this sounds odd. And it is not something that I have witnessed before. But I do know now that it is possible because Father has allowed me to experience it in “my fella.” His body? Hmm, yes and no, if honest cause we are all sort of similar, but no, it is an esoteric thing, of “spirit” in the language of this Tao passage.

* I feel it, the connection with or without the form connecting AND I feel it beyond miscommunication or emotional upheaval.

* Even this writing is part of the union that he and I have in Father because my sense of ONENESS is not tied solely to “form.”

* “All things work together for the good of those who know God.” All things are embodied in the “relationship” that I have with my partner because he is my best teacher and student which IS THE RELATIONSHIP that we are able to have one to another in the Body/Entity that is Christ. (This is spoken of in the Urtext page 61 insert that I will be posting the final three videos of soon.)

* Granted, I felt a sensual pull, or attraction, if you will from the individual who sent me the Tao photos, his openness and love of people seemed evident, but again, this is FATHER’s NATURAL ENERGY and NOT to be confused with what we want to “play out” in form. Ego mentality has morphed it in our heads and we can do a lot to clear it from with Consciousness by our own awareness.

* THIS can happen with anyone and perhaps anything, including a mutually satisfying conversation, a simple “Hi,” or a smile, and it needs to be understood for what it is; a feeling that is awareness of God’s Presence and not the witness to your needing to connect physically with another part of the essence of Christ in form. EVEN if it stirs erroneous parts of one’s physical body.

* Or in my case, spiritual energy that I recognized as a powerful message. I had to chill a bit to get centered. See, I had contacted him before I met my fella, inviting a meeting that I would not have minded tested this um, “theory.” I did NOT think he was in a relationship at that time. And I apologize if that was the case.

* I do know that he was meant to be a teacher of mine to get me “unhooked” from any remnant of celebrity “worship” because of his heritage and I chose to “cut the cords” of further obligation in that direction. It also helps me release my “fight or flight” mechanism that flares when I feel backed into a corner. How can I be anything but grateful?

* Like I said what I am being taught on a micro level is also appropriate for the macro.

* I suspect this “happening” is due to the “Pavlov technique” of training that the ego has done in the sphere of form with its lies about our being God and specifically about our needing to “possess.” (This is the topic of that “insert to pg. 61 in the Urtext.)

* Is this making any sense? It stirs up a lot of controversy within the ego mentality that says we are god, and we decide what goes where when figuratively and physically.

Culminating not in dissolution but in integration, it is an opportunity for a man and a woman to mutually transform and uplift each other into the realm of bliss and wholeness.

* What I have experienced with “my fella” is a witness between the two of us that we have value, and we are able to show this to the world by our union whether apart or together, it makes no difference.

* He and his “story” are the one, “in form” that I have been given to teach me the greatest lessons in the deepest way that I can understand them to get back to my REALITY in the FATHER’s Presence.

* Now let me explain here. I have that witness inside. The witness of Heaven where the Son and the Father ARE ONE. An acknowledgment of “my fella” and an acceptance of our monogamous affiliation allows me to express the forgiveness that I have extended to the original error of belief in separation from God, as it does for him should he choose to acknowledge it.

* I had to look up “affiliation;” the state or process of affiliating or being affiliated: “his political affiliations” · “he had no particular affiliation, no close associates” Similar: annexing, attaching, connecting, joining, bonding, uniting, combining, associating, aligning, allying, amalgamation, amalgamating, merging, incorporation, incorporating.

* Apparently, Father wanted it expressed in this way so that we can see that our best teaching/learning “partners” do not have to be human bodies but may also be found in communities, corporations, ideas, and philosophies.

* He Will Guide us through SPIRIT to understand where our best learning lies. We can choose to take a gentle, or harsh, path but this does not suggest that we are not still learning and playing our part in the Universal Plan of Salvation.

* Let’s look up dissolution; the closing down or dismissal of an assembly, partnership, or official body: “the dissolution of their marriage” · “Henry VIII declared the abbey’s dissolution in 1540” Similar: cessation, conclusion, end, ending, finish.

* This would be separation. NOTHING EVER ENDS THAT IS REAL, not even a political party.

* Eventually, all of the Sonship will bear witness of itself and its oneness with FATHER. WE CANNOT BE ONE WITH EACH OTHER WITHOUT HYMN.

* It is impossible in reality, though I understand that this is how the teachings of Jesus have been understood by most for millions of years.

* Not just the 2000 since he was on the earth because he was working with us way before that. He is the god of the Old Testament. And he was in error about humanity or any part of the Sonship of Christ having “sinned” because that would be opposition to God and there simply is none. He is learning just as we are because we are all part of the same Body of Christ. (That means Jesus gets included in the overall forgiveness of the original error and EVERYTHING that came after.)

* The shutting down of “affiliations” that promote separation over oneness will continue for a very long time. BECAUSE we are finding out what does not serve us.

* It should not be taken as traumatic, indecent, or unjust but as a natural part of the healing that has to take place in our societies and in our minds as we recognize the worthiness of all and not only a few.

* And integration; the action or process of integrating: “economic and political integration” · “integration of individual countries into trading blocs” the intermixing of people or groups previously segregated: “integration is the best hope for both black and white Americans” the action or process of integrating: combination, amalgamation, incorporation, unification, consolidation, merger, fusing.

* “… mutually transform and uplift each other into the realm of bliss and wholeness.” I would say it is a good definition of my understanding of “holiness,” as long as it is understood that the only One Who does this is FATHER.

* Those who have done this were allowing Father’s Presence, recognizing that Which connects whether you call it TAO or Father.

* And THANK YOU, because that raises our vibration!

* Otherwise, we have “put the cart before the horse” by seeing the Son before the Father. My understanding is the chicken came before the egg.

* This is where we ALL TRULY ARE, IN HIS PRESENCE, helping each other individually and collectively under the direction of Father through Spirit with JESUS as our eldest brother. These moments, hours, years of bliss help us raise our understanding and vibration to know that we never left HYMN.

In remembrance of Father’s Love for His Son of which I am a part, debi.



Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Written by Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Atonement, His (Christ’s) Story, Three Temptations: Addiction, Power-Hunger, and Depression, “Seeing” Truth in the “Unseen”, Living Above the Chaos C U there :)

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