A Change In How I Look At Others

Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
4 min readMay 7, 2022


Remember this is just me sharing my journey. I could be wrong! Then again, maybe not!

(A “card reading” from the points of instruction of Jesus to Dee in Mama’s Christmas Carol, You Got the Power, Mom! © 2019)

Others need to be known as ego and seen in grace.

This means recognizing that they come from and through God and are of God. But here they currently act from a place of ego and a role of destruction and criticism of the Son of God.

I have to admit that this realization has only JUST come to me, but really, I sense its truth.

When I was younger I thought the world was full of kind people. And I was wrong. It took me decades of taking the blame and beating myself up before I accepted the fact that the people in the world can be rotten. Even the ones who should care for you the most.

A Course In Miracles teaches us why this is. We need to understand the ego that is prevalent in the minds of humanity and how that affects us here and now. We need to understand the danger we are in when egos, our own or another’s, run our lives instead of God and the Holy Spirit.

The part that is new is that I must recognize that the Holy Spirit can draw the Christ out of the shadows and into the light of their awareness as I allow them to be recognized for courtesies they would extend to me.

Is it because I am finally willing to tell myself that I am not going to embrace other individuals in my life that I have this awareness?

I will engage with them and do what I can to show support but I do not want anyone that I have to rely on individually. I do not want a “special someone(s)” in my life.

I want to know that God will show up in various forms when I have a need here within the world of form.

God’s presence and my confidence in the Holy Spirit are growing stronger. I want to keep their voices louder than the egos of others while still being able to call out the Christ within each one and exchange the gifts we have for one another.

Shove off the cloak of shame and guilt that you wear.

It is not your responsibility to be anything special in the world of form.

In fact, that goes contrary to the teachings of Jesus in ACIM.

We do not have to allow ourselves to be ‘walked on’ nor do we have to ‘fix’ people. We are perfect as we are.

Our primary responsibility is to accept the Atonement for ourselves.

Only in this way will the forgiveness offered there to the Christ be felt by ourselves individually.

Please note::

Others do not teach the Atonement this way but if we do not release all of creation (the whole Sonship of Christ) from the belief in separation how can we say we have forgiven at all?


Do not be confused by the sadness that one feels as a result of belief in separation from God that is within the world at the moment.

That is not depression. It is a recognition that this does not have to be the way that it is. The world does not have to be separated. No action can take you away from God.

3. When you are sad, know this need not be. ²Depression comes from a sense of being deprived of something you want and do not have. ³Remember that you are deprived of nothing except by your own decisions, and then decide otherwise. (ACIM, T-4.IV.3:1–3)

There needs to be another word that we can use for the concern that we have about the existence of Time where suffering occurs and confusion still abounds.

So many words have been permanently altered for me by A Course In Miracles. Love and fear are the two greatest. Yet I still use these terms in my daily language. Sadness and depression are two whose meanings have altered for me.

It stands to reason that as humanity shifts out of the ego-mind where fear rules and shadows are found everywhere and into an acknowledgment of God and light that our language would need to shift. In fact, there is nothing about our ideas of our existence that will not be altered as we step into a true universal relationship with God.

I keep learning and I will always be a student.

Till next time, God bless, bye for now.

The Holy Spirit is teaching me such depths of our true relationship to one another that it is difficult to send out this message because I feel it may be lacking. Yet, this is how we learn. By sharing what we understand today. And so I will in faith and trust that the Holy Spirit goes with my words.
Blessings, debi.



Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Written by Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Atonement, His (Christ’s) Story, Three Temptations: Addiction, Power-Hunger, and Depression, “Seeing” Truth in the “Unseen”, Living Above the Chaos C U there :)

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