Exactly! This is how Charles Manson got his "family" to be willing to literally "kill for him".
But we ALL do it in some form or another. Only in claiming our true heritage as sovereign entities can we combat this horror!
We all give up our truth and believe that if we are alone we are separated when nothing could be further from the truth.
We are One: the Son of God, along with all other parts of creation.
For those who believe in this world, that mentality is vital or there would be no need to copulate and fill the seats in the "auditoriums" of the particular addiction they are selling to humanity.
(I wrote that last statement in a "difficult" manner to allow serious reflection on its implications and reality in the society in which we currently find ourselves.)
Even for those who believe that success is "doing greater than your neighbor" requires that you feel separate from him and specifically, that "his lack does not reflect your own".
To simply make everything equal and spread "love" at this time without the psychological adjustment of what the atonement "scientifically" means will leave us living similar to the Native American nations that have lost faith in themselves individually because they believed their persona was in their culture rather than the individual.
(I am making no reference to any specific area or reservations. Only what I have from a "close-distance" in my travels and associations have sensed.)
Hence, the addiction and destruction brought on by a lack of self-respect have resulted and could be this nation's future if we do not consider what we are doing to ourselves.
Consider the youth and their prospects for a safe and productive future. It is stripped before it has begun except for the few individuals that the collective consciousness will allow to "shine forth" as proverbial "carrots" of what could be and why we are all failures and need to be corralled. We do it on every level of existence.