First Universal Reading for December 2023 Is Christ Ready to Reveal Himself?
1. Ritual is something that the human mind enjoys. You want it to embody the concepts of the Atonement and its fulfillment.
Oneness, completeness, wholeness, unity, in the Sonship and reverence for God, the Father.
Each of these can be a valid part of any gathering.
In gathering, the individual and individuality need to be celebrated rather than an ideology or any other theme that separates. Even if similar ritualistic clothing, food, or actions.
Only in this way can Christ be acknowledged in His different fractals and forms.
Unity and oneness in all of creation needs to be the backbone of all “practices.” With free expression for all. No matter how they are expressed.
Even the hunter and gatherer can celebrate oneness as they acknowledge the gift of that which they bring to the table.
However, we cannot bash and bless at the same time. One comes from the frightened ego and a sense of fear and the other comes from a witness of God.
There is nothing wrong with a mistake that is able to be looked at. One that is defended or ignored creates a cancer that will destroy wherever it is found.
2. Knowing that everything is truly happening in the present moment.
This has two meanings to me.
It reminds me to stay in the present moment and not fear a future or past.
This is much easier to do when one is solo and not engaged in a relationship with another mortal.
At the same time, I do need to listen to the Holy Spirit and respond to His instruction in all that I do.
The other way is to think of how things get restored to God’s Presence and the healing that takes place in all moments of time since the beginning and on into eternity. I think of this as the cleansing that is spoken of in the Bible through the blood of the lamb but in fact, there need be no sacrifice of anything accept the belief in separation from God which is maintained by True and Final Forgiveness.
I am currently in the process of letting go of a tender relationship that I was hoping had potential to allow me to see Christ and God in the physical presence of another person. Or at least letting go of my idea of what it may have been.
How I long to find that one who would accept the Atonement and walk with me hand in hand so that we might extend the Love of God for His Son.
I am not able to engage with Christ and the Father in another individual that needs me to be “just like them.” I have to be allowed to be alive and if I choose to mimic anything it needs to be my decision and should not be taken as an insult.
I am made differently, and my body may not adjust to what he sleeps on, a darn old hide a bed that is not even flat, and I should not have to apologize for that just because he is used to having his own way in “everything” for years.
I have different experiences, understandings, short-cuts, opinions, and so forth. And LOVE does not need to have exact duplication to manifest. In fact, that will likely create a climate for self-destruction that would not benefit anyone.
He is such a treasure. I would like to think that Christ will find a way to come out and play. At the same time, I have to know that I have a right to exist in a positive environment that encourages individual growth and not only mimicry.
This is where Eternal Life is. Eternal Life is not a fantasy or something we come to after we die (which is the illusion). It is something that we embrace in the Holy Instant that recognizes God the Father and the Son and acknowledges their Relationship and Oneness.
We are able to have life abundantly and with the ease of cooperation and ingenuity when we allow God’s Witness to our Reality within His Mind and Will through the Holy Spirit.
There is NO REASON OR EXCUSE for distress, abuse, or neglect in the Kingdom of God where we currently reside, unbeknownst to us.
3. God will not force anything on humanity. Likewise, once they are willing to receive, nothing can be held back from them.
Now, after #2 don’t you think that we can get on with this???
4. You are not separate from anyone, including Jesus. If you bash them, you bash the whole of Christ. If you lift them, you lift the whole of Christ.
This is something that we must understand in the world of form!
I would like to say kindness as well, but kindness is used to manipulate and belittle. Not unlike “love” in the hands of the selfish and frightened ego.
Let us allow our frightened egos to be “gentled” by the Holy Spirit Whose Hand is Steady and leaves no scars in cutting away that which defies our ability to see ourselves as we truly are as Children of the Most High God.
Trust me, I have been under His knife for over 40 years.
And I stand in Joy that is phenomenal today.
The only thing that could make it greater is to witness the Son of God recognizing Himself in the flesh.
Till next time, God bless, debi.