He said: One or Many, I replied: Both
Some say Jesus is the Son of God but equal in truth . That one day the Sonship will wake up and commune joyfully with the Father and Jesus .
Others say Jesus is a symbolic representation of our higher mind and we all disappear into the Oneness once we wake up including Jesus. Then No Jesus no Sonship . Only God
Help! What’s the truth?
I replied:
Please, forgive the length of this response. I am about to engage in asking the world of form to participate in those things that I know to be true and the energy that comes with this is huge and manageable only by the Power and Will of God.
In about 2008, I had an experience that lasted no more than 30 seconds but changed my life forever. I was already very spiritual, and I thought myself an enlightened person at the time. I was in my early 50s at the time and had decided I had given 50 years to thinking someone out there knew what was going on and looking for that person or society. I never found them, so I dedicated myself to going within, trusting the teacher Who had guided me in life up to that time.
Even as I write of this, I am in awe of the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life that I had not identified but that walked with me through some very scary places.
No doubt it was preparatory to my accepting the teachings that I found in A Course in Miracles which I did not find until 2013.
What I experienced was an energetic connection with the power of God on a level I had NEVER experienced previously.
Quite frankly, it was extremely powerful and even erotic, and I knew that there was nothing in the world of form that I would desire more than the companionship of that energy source That I identified as God.
It was not physical, as sexual intimacy is. It was energetic and beyond any experience I had thus far. I longed to be able to retain it and was only able to retain the memory of it which has been enough to give me courage when I had none here in the world of form.
I think the review of your post has brought this memory back for me not only for your inquiry but for my particular walk at this time of my life.
Your OP speaks to the question that lies between the two primary thoughts of spirituality not only in the Course but in most philosophies found in the world today.
To absolve or dissolve the consciousness of humanity into nothingness, which I understand CAN happen in meditation, eliminates the Reality of the Son of God.
I do not hear the Course stating that this is meant to happen at all. Instead, I hear Jesus showing us how we are able to accept our own existence within the Mind and Will of God.
THIS is where the testimony that we have FROM Jesus becomes vitally relevant, inasmuch as it allows a direct witness to the fact that God had DECREED His Will for the Presence of a Son.
THIS is what I believe was the intent of his message when we walked on the earth as Jesus of Nazareth. ‘Social media’ at the time and for centuries after, being what it is, ‘boxed or packaged’ his message into FORM and declared that the body of Jesus was Christ which was incorrect and very misleading.
No one else has EVER existed in FORM that has this memory because the Soul that gave us Jesus was the first to consider the idea of separation from God as a possibility and prior to this we were all consumed or preoccupied with the intensity of the Presence of the Glory of the Father to WANT to think of anything that even remotely would have felt like separation.
This is why he was first to receive the Atonement.
Whew, that is a lot to take in already!
Back to the 30 second event I had mentioned where I felt God’s Presence.
To get an idea of what I am speaking of regarding being in the presence of Father, consider the intensity of feeling that you have when you are one at the peak of orgasm which I know can cause a woman to yell out loud, and I was told recently can render a man ‘almost brainless,’ where he is unable to think with clarity in the world of form for maybe even a day or two.
I really am not purposely trying to be erotic here. Lol, I am trying to give context to the question at hand through something that may be relatable within the world of form.
When we understand that the “God of the Old Testament” is literally the Soul of Jesus attempting to correct the rift that was manifested by that tiny momentary inclination to consider that separation from God was possible and that he was doing the best he could with what he understood knowing that he has had to learn just as we do; line upon line, here a little, there a little, we might have more tolerance for the concept of a Father Figure that is God, the TRUE Father of All That Is beyond the tyrannical and ~ authoritarian ~ Father that is portrayed in the Old Testament and has ‘ruled’ the male population for many generations.
This is why forgiveness of Jesus himself is a key component to the Atonement.
I cannot say what existence looks like beyond a million ‘years’ from now. It is beyond the realm of my imagination.
But I can say what is in store for creation once humanity decides that it is IN FACT a part of the Sonship that IS CHRIST is going to be exciting and so impactful that we will have to prayer for Divine Assistance to be able to handle the amount of JOY that we will have access to.
I have recognized the Holy Spirit at work in my life for some time now and I can testify that He works like a surgeon with a scalpel that cuts away that which does not belong, and He leaves NO SCARS BEHIND because His Precision is so Exact.
And, in the vernacular (language) of the Course, I can say that He Guides us as He LITERALLY becomes the EYES and EARS that we CHOOSE to render the understanding and translation of our existence to.
He is helping us untangle the confusing construct of thought that has resulted because of the temporary fantasy/dream of the idea of the Son being separated from the Father. Causing the Son to feel the needing to function under his own power which had to be ‘made up’ (IE the frightened ego) because there LITERALLY is NO POWER without the PRESENCE of God.
I can say that existence will be joyful and abundant beyond our wildest imaginations and that celebration of existence will become the attitude of communion that we have one with another.
We will understand that all have authority given by the TRUE God of All That Is to decide for themselves the form of expression existence manifests for them. And that it is IMPOSSIBLE to TRESPASS boundaries or the union with God, the Father and the Son, or ANY of the parts that make up the ‘BODY’ of the Son.
We will come to understand bliss on a level incomprehensible today.
Will we phase into a utopia that dissolves the need or desire to ‘think’ at all? It is not beyond the realm of possibility, but it is NOT something THAT HUMANITY NEEDS TO CONCERN ITSELF WITH AT THIS TIME.
For now, let us ACKNOWLEDGE GOD and HIS SON and give heed to the Holy Spirit who will allow us to have a taste of Heaven even as we continue our transition into a gentler dream of cooperation and considerate compassion for All That Is.
Let us alter our languages to release the idea of suffering and death from our mental imaginings and let us allow ourselves to FEEL the Presence of God EVERYWHERE knowing that our needs and WANTS are HIS DELIGHT to provide as we engage one with another.
I can tell you that even dealing with the energy that writing this has brought up is nearly over-whelming and I call on all that are involved in this great work to assist with our transition, in form and without, not only mortals but Mother Earth and the Energies of the Sun and the Moon and other celestial bodies that are directly connected to this incredible work. I could go on, but I will stop and be glad I was able to express this much at this time.
🙏God bless, debi.🙏