I believe in an overall plan of existence and do not believe in coincidences. This is the first time I have heard of the situation but then sports is not my thing and I have not been a big news buff either in my life. Until just recently I tended to get the news a while after the fact. I am not trying to self-shame here, just stating the way it has been.
(Actually, as I finished this post I realized I had heard of it. Still, my comments stand. We each are here as a voice for God. What are we saying to each other and when will we start listening?)
That said, my heart wonders just what was it that Andres Escobar was sent to share with the world? The corruption of sports?? The stupidity of harassment?? Did he want to be killed for doing what he did because of his personal shame? Was it staged, even, in an attempt to protect his family????
We could do so much better!
Humanity are you listening to history and the messages being sent that are a call to WAKE UP and know that you are not living your potential and TRUTH??!!!?