Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
3 min readMar 19, 2022


I suspect that male is the focus because we think of God, typically, as being male, not in gender but in authority being the “power” being or strength expressed in the world of form. Not to say that “back in the day women did not have equal power, it just had a different role, basically the nurturing of what survived here in the world of form.

The concept of the Bride of Christ embraces that feminine power/responsibility of caring for the body in the sphere of form. Christ is the whole of creation. There is no division, though I fully accept multiple components within the one with God being all-encompassing of the whole. IE Christ dwells within God, within His Mind, precisely.

Marriage has been seen as a union of two making a single whole. Likewise, the church body would join with the witness of Christ (which they are) and be one. It could be looked at as the first step in releasing the human psyche from the concept of division or, really, separation brought on by the “fall” IE the onset of the belief in the possibility of separation from God and all of the consequences that would follow.

Procreation is indicative of humanity or “the fallen Christ” believing that it was possible that he created himself thus “confirming” illogically that there is no God, Christ was not created BY God, and Christ (or humanity) would be “free” to make its own LAWS.

Laws that had no basis in anything that was real because they were given and altered sporadically by the ego who changes its face and position continually, contrary to the stability and constancy of God. (It is only God’s Laws that have any true and lasting meaning or effect. (W. 76,9:6 ⁶God’s laws forever give and never take.)

I am not familiar with the concept of Jesus as the “new Adam”. That seems illogical to me and yet if one were to consider Jesus as the first to step into the Atonement and the “undoing” of the mistaken belief in separation from God, I suppose he could be considered the first born of Christ’s creations or the first thought of Christ which is the expansion we know as “creation” that God initiated and passed onto His Son and would likewise pass on to His true posterity.

It is interesting how you suggest “a male human shifting a spiritually female role”. That certainly is the wave of the past couple of decades but it does not embrace the fullness.

Consider the Gospel of Thomas, of the apocrypha that speaks of a female becoming male to enter the kingdom of heaven. I propose it is asking the female to give up her attachment to the physicality of creation which she brings forth by pain and in pain and look to the spiritual.

God created His Son like Himself so the Son should be able to create of Himself without the need of a counterpart to expand His being. Think of a teacher who shares ideas. He does not lose in the sharing but gains and grows. If we exist as thoughts in God’s Mind it would suggest that the mind is where we want to focus our “being” on as well. And how many of us are taught to watch over our minds really?

A Course In Miracles teaches strictly from the male pronoun and emphasizes the concept that we are unitedly the Christ and that God sees only one Son, though it does use the term Sonship suggesting one in many.

²As you let the Holy Spirit teach you how to use the body only for purposes of communication, and renounce its use for separation and attack which the ego sees in it, you will learn you have no need of a body at all. (ACIM, T-15.IX.7:2)

These are my thoughts on the topic. Thanks for asking.



Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Written by Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Atonement, His (Christ’s) Story, Three Temptations: Addiction, Power-Hunger, and Depression, “Seeing” Truth in the “Unseen”, Living Above the Chaos C U there :)

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