"In the science of martial arts, the state of mind should remain the same as normal.
In ordinary circumstances as well as when practicing martial arts, let there be no change at all — with the mind open and direct, neither tense nor lax, centering the mind so that there’s no imbalance, calmy relax your mind, and savor this moment of ease thoroughly so that the relaxation does not stop its relaxation for even an instant.
— Musashi"
I may be going out on a limb here but I am willing to suggest that the atonement that Jesus is calling us to may have something to do with this concept.
Imagine if we could walk in this world of chaos and destruction and "see" our "wholeness" and our connection in and through the Creator.
To have a balanced and normal mind in the midst of chaos is something we want to strive for and in so doing we will find things revealed that we may not like but we do not want to grab at like seeking to calm the water with our hands but rather just observe knowing the truth is greater than the reality that appears to present itself.
Thank you for this article and the insights it brought.