Like you said, each situation can be so different. I never felt abandonment. But then I never had a connection with people, though I felt love for them and (I thought) from them. My connection was with an unseen source, so I never felt abandonment. Even though I now see that I could have from many directions. It is part of what makes me so "odd" in the world. But we all get to travel our journey the way we do for a reason. It may be even unbelievable to think I did not, but that is the way it was.
I did not feel "jealous" of my little sister either, though I easily could have and oddly, I think she is the one who turned out to be jealous of me.
We each live in our own world, don't we? And how we view life's experiences affects so many things here, even for generations.
Just meandering, I hope you do not mind.
Thank you for sharing your story and the emotional impacts you recall.
(My situation was not adoption but a new mother at age four.)