Maybe that was his way to tell you something that he could not in words.
Maybe it was you who could not see the stability that he was asking for.
Guilt can weigh heavily on the mind and the heart.
Did you really forgive yourself for leaving your husband or did you use the daughter as a way to punish yourself?
I am sorry. I understand that these are difficult questions. Ones that after ten years I could say I have no business asking but studying the psychology of the human ego has been a focus of mine for over ten years now, if not 6 decades.
The point is to forgive it all because God is real and lack in impossible.
Stories like these that we put ourselves through can be/are the way that the ego=god mentality keeps us off balance and looking at someone or something outside ourselves that is hurting us.
The beauty of what I understand is that there is NO possibility of lack or hurt because God is Who and What He declares as all-knowing, all powerful, and everywhere.
Do not let this crush you in any way.
I, too, have a mother's heart that has been torn a thousand ways. And I do have compassion for your challenges.
I am not saying I know what you should have done or that things would have turned out differently, I just share according to my feelings at this time.
Thank you for sharing how you view life and helping us understand that we are all in this together.
Blessings always, debi.