My thoughts* on A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson 51, according to my understanding on the 20th of February 2025. Warning: I am processing a decision regarding “family.”
* Note my use of HYMN. It embodies both male and female energies in the one and reminds us of the joy in existence that makes us want to sing and to worship. Fun, huh! I thought so.
The review for today covers the following ideas:
1. (1) Nothing I see means anything.
* What I think I see creates emotions in me. These give me clues as to which direction I want to go.
²The reason this is so is that I see nothing, and nothing has no meaning.
* The stories that I told myself about things were based on “empty shells” manifested in the mind of Christ during a nightmarish dream of separation from God. These false stories created ties to imaginings and not to truth in an attempt to replace God with bondage to a story made up of paper dolls.
* My devotion to my children to be an example of knowing God has been a mockery as I chase a viable relationship in a world made up of graven images thinking they are gods and convincing me that I need to bow down and worship them for the privilege of their company.
* Nothing has no meaning. It is pretty simple when you say it that way.
³It is necessary that I recognize this, that I may learn to see.
⁴What I think I see now is taking the place of vision.
* Vision. The ability to see as God does. He sees His Son as a Whole and the Whole of His Son in every part. (This is my understanding, TODAY. Because I still believe that these empty shells that the Son imagined have life because God will be seen in them.)
⁵I must let it go by realizing it has no meaning, so that vision may take its place.
2. (2) I have given what I see all the meaning it has for me.
²I have judged everything I look upon, and it is this and only this I see.
* I have given everything I see a value based on my judgment of it.
* I want to let all judgment go and rest in God.
* This judgment comes because I judged myself for abandoning God and my ability to rely solely on HYMN.
* I NO LONGER need to hold onto judgment. Instead, I choose to hold onto God through SPIRIT within. This means that I accept that
I know nothing about anything except that GOD IS.
* Repeat, “(2) I have given what I see all the meaning it has for me.”
³This is not vision.
⁴It is merely an illusion of reality, because my judgments have been made quite apart from reality.
⁵I am willing to recognize the lack of validity in my judgments, because I want to see.
⁶My judgments have hurt me, and I do not want to see according to them.
* True, from all sorts of directions.
3. (3) I do not understand anything I see.
²How could I understand what I see when I have judged it amiss?
³What I see is the projection of my own errors of thought.
⁴I do not understand what I see because it is not understandable.
⁵There is no sense in trying to understand it.
⁶But there is every reason to let it go, and make room for what can be seen and understood and loved.
⁷I can exchange what I see now for this merely by being willing to do so.
⁸Is not this a better choice than the one I made before?
4. (4) These thoughts do not mean anything.
²The thoughts of which I am aware do not mean anything because I am trying to think without God.
* He Is becoming my thinking, my voice, and so on.
* IF I were to have a relationship with someone (intimate or otherwise), I would want it to be of equal caliber. God acknowledging God through the Son of God.
* If my children do not wish to acknowledge God that is okay, but I am not going to mingle with them in their mental deceptions.
* And I am not going to remain committed to having a relationship with a shell of a man who needs to bash everybody because inside he thinks himself unworthy. He came in angry, pissed everybody off, and has been continuing to do that while being pissed at everyone else and feeling justified for it all his life, or so he thinks and has convinced himself of. The ego mentality can only eat itself alive. I am not going to change his mind. Only God can do that once he releases everything he has believed to be real.
* Do I really think that God wants me to devote my life to that story? I know better. But was he the very one who would force me to go deep enough within myself to realize this. Yep, he sure was. That combined with the one from 40 years ago whose energy is suddenly in my face with the death of his wife.
* That’s life in the world of illusion, folks. It is also the mystery of Father not giving up on you and using what you believe you have drawn into your experience to bring you home to HYMN once again.
* That does not mean that I will not give him a hug if he will let me.
³What I call “my” thoughts are not my real thoughts.
* True. But remember that God is in everything and even in our unreal thoughts God will be found when we are ready to receive HYMN.
⁴My real thoughts are the thoughts I think with God.
* This does not work like a light switch from on to off. HE Guides us through SPIRIT to see what we are doing to ourselves and to see where HIS LOVE LIES.
⁵I am not aware of them because I have made my thoughts to take their place.
* About the time you THINK you are ready to stabilize, Father ‘throws you in the deep end of the pool’ along with SPIRIT and says, “Now, swim back to me.” This is where I find myself today. 20 February 2025
⁶I am willing to recognize that my thoughts do not mean anything, and to let them go.
* I am willing to give up my thoughts to know God’s.
⁷I choose to have them be replaced by what they were intended to replace.
⁸My thoughts are meaningless, but all creation lies in the thoughts I think with God.
* THIS “FEELS” so very REAL to me!
* THIS gives me HOPE in ALL THAT IS!
* “… all creation lies in the thoughts I think with God.”
5. (5) I am never upset for the reason I think.
²I am never upset for the reason I think because I am constantly trying to justify my thoughts.
³I am constantly trying to make them true.
* In Father no justification is needed. HIS EXISTENCE JUSTIFIES ALL THAT IS REAL.
⁴I make all things my enemies, so that my anger is justified and my attacks are warranted.
* I can see it in my fella easily.
* In myself, not as easily. I have known that LOVE was there. I accepted it as a child and it has served me to walk roads, I would not have chosen if left to my own devices but in God’s Care, I came through unscathed.
* Enemies and attacks have not been my objectives, except to attack myself in various ways. Smoking was one. And there have been many others. The invitation of those who found me to be a threat to them into my storyline was a form of attack I accepted before coming here.
* So, somewhere I believed in attack as a possibility, or did I agree to put on the costume so I could show it was not real?
* I think in some way that we all did this, and that is why we are each heroes of our own stories. Christ is Who we truly are, each of us, and one day we will all know it.
⁵I have not realized how much I have misused everything I see by assigning this role to it.
* The anger being spoken of here is not the kind that says you need to look at something closer and see what is going on, inside of you and/or inside of the situation.
* It is the kind of anger that seeks to find a reason for itself by seeking something that needs to be destroyed.
* The difference is important to understand.
⁶I have done this to defend a thought system that has hurt me, and that I no longer want.
* I have no desire for separation from my children and posterity. Nor do I desire separation from my ancestors or those who have passed on already that I have known in this lifetime, or the many other lifetimes I may have had.
* AT THE SAME TIME, I have no desire to be in the company of stories that attack, mock, belittle, compete, and so forth.
* I seek the shelter of God’s Thoughts and Presence so that I might have in form, that which I have within through SPIRIT and the Witness from God of the PERFECTION OF HIS CREATION.
⁷I am willing to let it go.
* I am willing to let go of stories that attack, mock, belittle, compete, and so forth.
* I am willing to let go of association with those who insist on playing out those scenarios, knowing that in Father there is no separation.
* I will let Father Guide me through SPIRIT one step at a time.
(ACIM, W-51.1:1–5:7)
To Father be ALL Glory and Praise Given AS His Son, debi.