My thoughts* on ACIM Urtext Lesson 101, for April 10, 2024. God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.

Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
5 min readApr 13, 2024

God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.

* We may have happiness ONLY by accepting the Atonement which sees the entire Sonship’s innocence AND freedom before/Within God.

1. Today we will continue with the theme of happiness. ²This is a key idea in understanding what salvation means. ³You still believe it asks for suffering as penance for your “sins.” ⁴This is not so. ⁵Yet you must think it so while you believe that sin is real, and that God’s Son can sin.

* It is often having our fill of suffering that brings us to the Atonement according to Jesus.

* Chelan Harkin is a young mystical poet who is redefining suffering as a way to get to the sacred. Embracing our pain and getting to the core of it to reveal the essence of God that lies beneath it all. I agree with her wholeheartedly and I do not believe that this idea counteracts what Jesus is teaching us in A Course in Miracles.

* This is a recent post of hers:

11 April 2024

As I meditate I essentially come back to two primary inner dynamics — a desire to feel and stay and fully enter whatever emotions are in me and taste a broader unknown through those doors or be swayed by a fearful, enabling part of my mind that says something like, “no, you couldn’t possibly go into that emotional density, darkness, intensity, horror! Let me present you with…



Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Atonement, His (Christ’s) Story, Three Temptations: Addiction, Power-Hunger, and Depression, “Seeing” Truth in the “Unseen”, Living Above the Chaos C U there :)