My thoughts* on ACIM Urtext Lesson 180, for June 28, 2024. By grace I live
²By grace I am released.
God is but Love, and therefore so am I.
1. (169) By grace I live.
²By grace I am released.
* Grace is God’s EXISTENCE. It is NOT some mythological mandate and book that determines the expression of existence by the many egos who put it together thinking they are God’s Replacement.
* To think that I can speak about someone’s rituals of worship is absurd because worship is an inside event. To set aside a time of silent observation to give thanks and give recognition to an Original Universal Creator is one thing. To promote a universal understanding of the doing unto others what you would have done to you is one thing.
* To determine a required sleeve length or any other specific requirement is nothing short of slavery.
* Grace is freely given to us all and allows existence according to who we are not who others tell us we are.
³God is but Love, and therefore so am I.
2. (170) There is no cruelty in God and none in me.
* I must admit that I am surprised at the boldness with which I speak.
* I feel very strongly that God needs to be recognized by all if we are to be free. What we need to understand for ourselves is WHO IS GOD and how big is He. Does He KNOW Who He Is beyond a doubt and Exist in the Confidence of His Unchanging Persona? If not, I propose that the god that you are worshipping is but a brother who is capable of no more than you are who has simply learned the skill of manipulation and coercion along with the art of illusion that appears to give what is already yours. I do not care if he is on this earth now, existed 2000 years ago, or is on Planet X. The FATHER is the FATHER and we each are of Him and have access to Him through the Holy Spirit.
* It matters not if we know the face of God. What matters is that we understand the Universality, Eternal Being, all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere components that identify Him. Gender is not important for He is ONE and ALL.
* Anything or anyone else needs to be seen for who they are and who they are NOT.
* There are NO MISTAKES in the Father where there are in the Son. And that is okay. We do NEED to wake up to this fact though! And give God His Place in our minds, hearts, and lives.
²God is but Love, and therefore so am I.
(ACIM, W-180.1:1–2:2)
Till next time, God bless, debi.