My thoughts* on ACIM Urtext Lesson 335 for 1 December 2023. I choose to see my brother’s sinlessness.
I choose to see my brother’s sinlessness.
* Thank you, thank you, thank you.
* I can see my brother’s sinlessness with my spiritual eyes, but I can also see the frightened ego wrapping that he places over his shoulders that HE believes that he is.
*** And if you look with your spiritual eyes, you can see how they take care of themselves and if it is “rough,” whether male or female you can bet that they will place that “wrap” over you IF you decide to get close enough to attempt any form of intimacy long term.
*** Maybe not right away but it will happen.
1. Forgiveness is a choice.
* A choice between seeing TRUTH as REAL or seeing the illusion of the frightened ego as real.
* This does not mean you want to place yourself in the arms of illusion. And IN MY OPINION, WHICH COUNTS FOR ME anyway, you can be intimate and lift others where they will allow you to but if they cannot see the light for themselves and must use your lens you need to back off because you will get “beaten” one way or another. BECAUSE this is what the frightened ego does to itself and all who dare come near it.
²I never see my brother as he is, for that is far beyond perception.
* It is KNOWLEDGE that only God can give through the Holy Spirit that He IS the Son of God.
* This KNOWLEDGE is available with the True Complete Forgiveness of the Atonement.
* That is why I suggest that this statement is basically misleading with the term “never” in it.
* In the meantime, we wonder in the world truly “dead” to one another and not able “to get into” the stories that the frightened ego fabricates except in MINUTE (tiny) moments that Jesus calls the Holy Instant.
³What I see in him is merely what I wish to see, because it stands for what I want to be the truth.
* AS WE SEEK TO POSSESS ANYONE OR ANYTHING, WE DENY THAT GOD EXISTS OR THAT THE OTHER IS ANY PART OF GOD, AND TRY TO ASSIMULATE THEM INTO OUR PERSONAL SCARY STORY OF THEM AND US. If they come along willingly, they are not truly engaged with “our scary story” but one of their own. There is no peace or life in the world of the frightened ego. This only is to be found in God, the Father and in the acknowledgement of His Son.
* God is the only One who can claim us as His Own and HE has given His Son His Freedom. Not to be separate from God but to BE His Own Person within the Mind and Will of God.
⁴It is to this alone that I respond, however much I seem to be impelled by outside happenings.
* From inside the Atonement and the “witness that God IS,” I see Christ however this does not mean that I will not get “burned” by the frightened ego’s claws. The sting is not anything like it was when I thought it was “real” though.
⁵I choose to see what I would look upon, and this I see, and only this.
* The Holy Spirit shows me and you both God’s Son and His illusions as He shares His sight with us!!!
⁶My brother’s sinlessness shows me that I would look upon my own.
* Otherwise, the frightened ego shows “me” in separation and a “them over there” that I may need to forgive again and again and again.
* From the Atonement, I simply acknowledge that the frightened ego does pretend to make the world go round while God’s Son lies hidden in the hearts of all consciousness awaiting His Birth or Awareness of His Being and as such their own.
* I will not claim GUILT as my god or shame as my priest as I interact with them with an awareness of Christ.
* I WILL extend love and compassion to all, including myself.
* Whether anyone comes out of the “haze” and illusion of the frightened ego is NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY.
* This responsibility belongs to the Wholly Spirit.
* To forgive them and thus myself IS UP TO ME and the Holy (WHOLLY) Spirit, together.
⁷And I will see it, having chosen to behold my brother in its holy light.
* The “holy light” is sinlessness because I KNOW THAT GOD IS and NOTHING could be outside of HIM.
2. What could restore Your memory to me, except to see my brother’s sinlessness?
* Yes, well, I do NOT go along with this concept!!! Ken was willing to see this and use it to eliminate himself AND God.
* There are many who have known God AND still NOT KNOWN who they were. There are many alive in this condition today because the attitude of “sin” is so prevalent.
* Jesus continues to show us the way out of this through the Atonement.
²His holiness reminds me that he was created one with me, and like myself.
* I still feel that it is “wholeness” that God wants us to “see.”
* It is only wholeness that would have us see His Son as God sees Him and ourselves as well so that we might acknowledge God and His Glory which is also ours when we recognize the Son IN one another.
³In him I find my Self, and in Your Son I find the memory of You as well.
* I am trying to think back to how I knew God was God. I knew Jesus as my elder brother who was watching out for me first. I understood this at four years of age. I think I bought the propaganda about God from the get go and it was only a real drive within me to hold onto my relationship with Jesus that kept me going.
* Religious studies were not truly fulfilling, though the things that I learned in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints did help me to believe in God’s belief in me. Identifying lists or labels were a big part of this and I felt it was something that I could give my children to hold on to. I was wrong there. But who would have allowed me to teach them what I am not afraid to believe for myself today?
* Christ hanging on the cross was our symbol of what we were worth. And that does not make very much sense to me today.
* What really got me through this life and into eternal life was the encouragement and witness that I received when I had my near-death experience at age 20.
* I came back from a self-induced overdose because I felt incapable of guiding my children into life in this sphere singing Jesus Loves Me at the top of my lungs and filled with a courage and a hope that anything that needed to be done, he would see me through, and I would come out victorious along with those in my care.
* Today, “those in my care” go far beyond the two little babies I had brought into the world and include not only the world but all of creation. Every one of us has a bit of Heaven and the memory of God, the Father within us. We may each have different relationships with Them, but they are there, even in the darkest of us.
* I choose to see my brother’s sinlessness beyond the frightened ego cloak that he wraps around himself and not lose faith in my ability to share God’s Love for His Son through the Atonement and bearing witness of life in the sphere of form WITH the witness of the Holy Spirit and God’s Presence ~ LOVE ~ among us.
* This I plan to practice, first in posting this lesson review and second in living among those who believe that they are dead and separated from God.
(ACIM, W-335.1:1–2:3)
I choose to see my brother’s sinlessness.
1. Forgiveness is a choice. ²I never see my brother as he is, for that is far beyond perception. ³What I see in him is merely what I wish to see, because it stands for what I want to be the truth. ⁴It is to this alone that I respond, however much I seem to be impelled by outside happenings. ⁵I choose to see what I would look upon, and this I see, and only this. ⁶My brother’s sinlessness shows me that I would look upon my own. ⁷And I will see it, having chosen to behold my brother in its holy light.
2. What could restore Your memory to me, except to see my brother’s sinlessness? ²His holiness reminds me that he was created one with me, and like myself. ³In him I find my Self, and in Your Son I find the memory of You as well.
(ACIM, W-335.1:1–2:3)
Till next time, God bless, debi.