My thoughts* on ACIM Urtext Lesson 358 for 24 December 2023.
No call to God can be unheard nor left unanswered. And of this I can be sure; His answer is the one I really want.
* I believe this and feel this with all my heart.
* The “trick” is not to think that I am the one who has the ability to know what God thinks and that can take some time to get used to and it is a continually learning base. At least it has been for me though I must say that there ARE many things about it that get better, easier, or more familiar all the time.
1. You Who remember what I really am alone remember what I really want.
* This is speaking about the Holy Spirit who knows each of us intimately.
²You speak for God, and so You speak for me.
* Again, this is the Holy Spirit.
³And what You give me comes from God Himself.
* That would be the Holy Spirit’s promptings, guidance, warnings, and comfort that all come from God.
⁴Your Voice, my Father, then is mine as well, and all I want is what You offer me, in just the form You choose that it be mine.
* This can seem “tricky” to the human mind that believes that we are separated from God. Here is where childlike acceptance of the Word of God is important to me. The Holy Spirit will prove the Father to you and your confidence will grow in Him. But do not expect others to understand right away, if ever, in this lifetime.
⁵Let me remember all I do not know, and let my voice be still, remembering.
* In other words, let the frightened ego be stilled and allow me to be still so that I may allow the Holy Spirit Himself to move through me and for me.
⁶But let me not forget Your Love and care, keeping Your promise to Your Son in my awareness always.
* This is Vital, not only for me but also for those which whom I associate and have personal relationships with.
⁷Let me not forget myself is nothing, but my Self is all.
* “Myself” is the frightened ego and “my Self” is the part of Christ within Who is my true self.
* I make my decisions as the “observer” of the world and the Voice of the Holy Spirit.
* Free stock photo: I can feel free to laugh at the story line that has any form of frustration, abuse, or neglect, ONLY because I KNOW that what is NOT OF GOD IS NOT REAL and that I am at peace in within the Mind og God.
(ACIM, W-358.1:1–7)
Till next time, God bless, debi.