My thoughts* on ACIM Urtext Lesson 75, for March 15, 2024. For Over 2000 Years They Have Taught His Message as HATE Instead of Love
The light has come.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
* As far as I am concerned Abraham of the Old Testament was named Israel for this reason because he had accepted this Truth. The ‘frightened ego’ of humanity, of course, changed it into something that represented bodies and form and land and property instead of the Divinity that it was meant to represent.
1. The light has come.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
²You are healed and you can heal.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
³The light has come.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁴You are saved and you can save.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁵You are at peace, and you bring peace with you wherever you go.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁶Darkness and turmoil and death have disappeared.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁷The light has come.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
2. Today we celebrate the happy ending to your long dream of disaster.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
²There are no dark dreams now.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
³The light has come.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁴Today the time of light begins for you and everyone.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁵It is a new era, in which a new world is born.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁶The old one has left no trace upon it in its passing.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁷Today we see a different world, because the light has come.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
3. Our exercises for today will be happy ones, in which we offer thanks for the passing of the old and the beginning of the new.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
²No shadows from the past remain to darken our sight and hide the world forgiveness offers us.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
³Today we will accept the new world as what we want to see.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁴We will be given what we desire.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁵We will to see the light; the light has come.
4. Our longer practice periods will be devoted to looking at the world that our forgiveness shows us.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
²This is what we want to see, and only this.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
* THE SON IS FORGIVEN IN THE ATONEMENT AND IS MADE INNOCENT IN OUR MINDS ONCE MORE. Then we follow the Holy Spirit one Holy Instant at a time.
³Our single purpose makes our goal inevitable.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁴Today the real world rises before us in gladness, to be seen at last.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
* Today. Heaven does not have to wait for some wild esoteric event. It waits only for you.
⁵Sight is given us, now that the light has come.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
5. We do not want to see the ego’s shadow on the world today.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
²We see the light, and in it we see Heaven’s reflection lie across the world.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
³Begin the longer practice periods by telling yourself the glad tidings of your release:
⁴The light has come.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
⁵I have forgiven the world.
* THE SON IS FORGIVEN IN THE ATONEMENT AND IS MADE INNOCENT IN OUR MINDS ONCE MORE. Then we follow the Holy Spirit one Holy Instant at a time.
6. Dwell not upon the past today.
* WHEN God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
* The Holy Spirit will bring things to mind about where you are and what is happening and He will use things of the past to bring it to your awareness (IE a cup is for drinking) but you will know that it is the Holy Spirit that gives this witness to you because you have accepted the atonement and the concepts I have repeated here in my comments.
²Keep a completely open mind, washed of all past ideas and clean of every concept you have made.
* You do this by remembering that YOU KNOW NOTHING and that the Holy Spirit knows everything that you need to know and that it is He Who will tell you. What you do not want to do is to keep the ego Real to yourself and believe that you are the one guiding you. The Atonement remedies this. Because:
* God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL. And THE SON IS FORGIVEN IN THE ATONEMENT AND IS MADE INNOCENT IN OUR MINDS ONCE MORE. Then we follow the Holy Spirit one Holy Instant at a time.
³You have forgiven the world today.
* IF you have God and His Son as ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL. And THE SON IS FORGIVEN IN THE ATONEMENT AND IS MADE INNOCENT IN OUR MINDS ONCE MORE. Then we follow the Holy Spirit one Holy Instant at a time.
⁴You can look upon it now as if you never saw it before.
* You allow the Holy Spirit to show you what you see and hear, and how to respond to what you see and hear and so forth.
⁵You do not know yet what it looks like.
⁶You merely wait to have it shown to you.
⁷While you wait, repeat several times, slowly and in complete patience:
⁸The light has come.
* God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL. And THE SON IS FORGIVEN IN THE ATONEMENT AND IS MADE INNOCENT IN OUR MINDS ONCE MORE. Then we follow the Holy Spirit one Holy Instant at a time.
⁹I have forgiven the world.
7. Realize that your forgiveness entitles you to vision.
* Yes, from the Holy Spirit.
²Understand that the Holy Spirit never fails to give the gift of sight to the forgiving.
³Believe He will not fail you now.
⁴You have forgiven the world.
* And recognized All of Creation as God’s Son and IN His Care.
⁵He will be with you as you watch and wait.
* “He” is the Holy Spirit.
⁶He will show you what true vision sees.
* “He” is the Holy Spirit.
⁷It is His Will, and you have joined with Him.
* “His Will” would include the Holy Spirit and God, the Father Whose Voice is a part of the Wholly/Holy Spirit, along with the Entire Sonship in their Right Minds.
⁸Wait patiently for Him.
* The witness of the Holy Spirit. Learn to recognize His Voice and Presence within your mind. He may well speak with your own voice but you will know that they are not your thoughts. His thoughts will never say that you are not worthy or of value, nor will He say that anyone or anything has no value before God. He will testify what is Real and what is not.
⁹He will be there.
* God will be there in the witness of the Holy/Wholly Spirit.
¹⁰The light has come.
* God and His Son are ALL that you see and what you recognize as REAL.
¹¹You have forgiven the world.
* THE SON IS FORGIVEN IN THE ATONEMENT AND IS MADE INNOCENT IN OUR MINDS ONCE MORE. ~ Then we follow the Holy Spirit one Holy Instant at a time.
8. Tell Him you know you cannot fail because you trust in Him.
* This goes to God, the Father and the Wholly/Holy Spirit.
²And tell yourself you wait in certainty to look upon the world He promised you.
³From this time forth you will see differently.
* Jesus tells us in the Course that we are not going to be without the temptation to see in error again BUT we have the witness and His Strength within us to remember and if we forget we forgive ourselves and begin again.
⁴Today the light has come.
* As we see God and His Son as the only thing that could be real.
⁵And you will see the world that has been promised you since time began, and in which is the end of time ensured.
* Then we follow the Holy Spirit one Holy Instant at a time.
9. The shorter practice periods, too, will be joyful reminders of your release.
²Remind yourself every quarter of an hour or so that today is a time for special celebration.
³Give thanks for mercy and the Love of God.
⁴Rejoice in the power of forgiveness to heal your sight completely.
⁵Be confident that on this day there is a new beginning.
⁶Without the darkness of the past upon your eyes, you cannot fail to see today.
⁷And what you see will be so welcome that you will gladly extend today forever.
* Both Heaven and Eternity (“you will gladly extend today forever”) have been described in this lesson.
10. Say, then:
²The light has come.
* I see only God and His Son as Real.
³I have forgiven the world.
* Through the Atonement.
⁴Should you be tempted, say to anyone who seems to pull you
back into darkness:
* You say this within your own mind. And do not think that you will be able to give them what you now understand UNTIL they are ready and willing to receive it for themselves.
⁵The light has come.
* I only see God, the Father and His Son as Real.
⁶I have forgiven you.
* Through the Atonement.
11. We dedicate this day to the serenity in which God would have you be.
²Keep it in your awareness of yourself and see it everywhere today, as we celebrate the beginning of your vision and the sight of the real world, which has come to replace the unforgiven world you thought was real.
* For those who do not believe this world is real please read that again. Thank you.
(ACIM, W-75.1:1–11:2)
Till next time, God bless, debi.