My thoughts* on ACIM Urtext Lesson 80, for March 20, 2024. Let me recognize my problems have been solved.
Let me recognize my problems have been solved.
* LOL.
* Yes, the ones that strictly have to do with God and His Son in his RIGHT Mind but not the ones from his wrong mind. And there is more than one of you here. I understand the Course has NOT been taught this way but if you will look at it any other conclusion is nonsense and delusional.
1. If you are willing to recognize your problems, you will recognize that you have no problems.
* The problem with the mind that believes in separation sees nothing but problems. The mind that sees only God and His Son united sees the ‘nothing but problems’ his brethren believe in and knows that none of those problems have any LASTING effect even though they may be affected by them for a time.
* This is the equivalent of ‘no problems’ for a believer of God.
* The non-believer sees the problems as real while the believer does not. This has no bearing on how it makes you feel to know another is outside of their best place to be but others cannot be forced.
²Your one central problem has been answered, and you have no other.
³Therefore, you must be at peace.
* If The All-Powerful God is in charge of our ‘recovery’ we can know that we are resting in Good Hands.
⁴Salvation thus depends on recognizing this one problem, and understanding that it has been solved.
* You can look at your situations one at a time but if you do so without having forgivene the idea of separation from or NO God you are cruisin’ in the frightened ego’s territory and in a ‘twilight zone,’ seriously!
* However:
⁵One problem, one solution.
⁶Salvation is accomplished.
⁷Freedom from conflict has been given you.
* Within!
* AND without or outside of yourself, however, those who still believe in separation may see your life as one of separationism. They must proceed from fear so how else COULD they see it?
⁸Accept that fact, and you are ready to take your rightful place in God’s plan for salvation.
2. Your only problem has been solved!
²Repeat this over and over to yourself today, with gratitude and conviction.
³You have recognized your only problem, opening the way for the Holy Spirit to give you God’s answer.
⁴You have laid deception aside, and seen the light of truth.
⁵You have accepted salvation for yourself by bringing the problem to the answer.
⁶And you can recognize the answer, because the problem has been identified.
* I can tell you that IT IS a Beautiful Place to exist in mentally! ~ even when your world gets shaken!
3. You are entitled to peace today.
²A problem that has been resolved cannot trouble you.
³Only be certain you do not forget that all problems are the same.
⁴Their many forms will not deceive you while you remember this.
⁵One problem, one solution.
⁶Accept the peace this simple statement brings.
4. In our longer practice periods today, we will claim the peace that must be ours when the problem and the answer have been brought together.
²The problem must be gone, because God’s answer cannot fail.
³Having recognized one, you have recognized the other.
⁴The solution is inherent in the problem.
⁵You are answered, and have accepted the answer.
⁶You are saved.
5. Now let the peace that your acceptance brings be given you.
²Close your eyes, and receive your reward.
³Recognize that your problems have been solved.
⁴Recognize that you are out of conflict; free and at peace.
⁵Above all, remember that you have one problem, and that the problem has one solution.
* The impact of these last two statements should not be underestimated. THIS is where you want to put your faith.
⁶It is in this that the simplicity of salvation lies.
⁷It is because of this that it is guaranteed to work.
6. Assure yourself often today that your problems have been solved.
²Repeat the idea with deep conviction, as frequently as possible.
³And be particularly sure to apply the idea for today to any specific problem that may arise.
⁴Say quickly:
⁵Let me recognize this problem has been solved.
* So everything is going to be ‘peachy keen’ and go smoothly? NOPE!
* But you will understand that it does not matter how things go or how they look, the problem has been solved and it is has NOTHING to do with FORM and everything to do with ‘content.’ THE FACT THAT GOD IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS and WE ARE HIS CHILDREN.
* The ‘we’ part is important. Many serious Course students believe that you cannot have multiple if we are all one and nature laughs at that. Think of how many cells there are in a body! Trillions! We are the Body of Christ. And we each have our unique existence within the Whole and As The Whole simultaneously.
7. Let us be determined not to collect grievances today.
* The only way that you can do this is to see the challenges as brought about by FEAR and therefore UNREAL.
* This does not mean that you will not have to ‘deal with them’ or that you will not be emotionally, or otherwise, upset by them!!!
And that is okay because we understand and know that it will pass and that we EACH are as we were created: Pure, Innocent, Loved, and Loving.
²Let us be determined to be free of problems that do not exist.
³The means is simple honesty.
⁴Do not deceive yourself about what the problem is, and you must recognize it has been solved.
* If ‘ego’ has taught you this lesson it will create further illusion which I have seen students of the Course do, including very prominent ones who say you will calm and correct any situation in the world of form as you apply the Course.
* If you have allowed the Holy Spirit to teach you this lesson you will understand that NO MATTER WHAT circumstances arise in the world of form ALL IS WELL and SALVATION is achieved. Simple as that! Seriously.
(ACIM, W-80.1:1–7:4)
Till next time, God bless, debi.