My thoughts* on ACIM Urtext Lesson 86, for March 26, 2024.
These ideas are for review today:
1. (71) Only God’s plan for salvation will work.
²It is senseless for me to search wildly about for salvation.
³I have seen it in many people and in many things, but when I reached for it, it was not there.
* Like nutrition one way does not work for all. AND more importantly, it must come from inside. No copying one another. We can motivate one another to reach for greater light within but not decide what is ‘best’ for another, only they and God know this and even that is developed Holy Instant by Holy Instant (seeing only God and witnessing His Son in All That Is).
⁴I was mistaken about where it is.
* Salvation is within and WITH God.
⁵I was mistaken about what it is.
* Salvation is not found in gaining something but in releasing oneself from the fear of God and Love. Only you can stretch those muscles.
⁶I will undertake no more idle seeking.
⁷Only God’s plan for salvation will work.
* It begins by ACKNOWLEDGING God and releasing His Son from the responsibility, guilt, and consequences of belief in separation from the Father and his environment.
⁸And I will rejoice because His plan can never fail.
* God’s Plan will be successful.
2. These are some suggested forms for applying this idea specifically:
²God’s plan for salvation will save me from my perception of this.
* In my complete forgiveness of all consequences of the error of belief in separation from God and His Truth everyone and everything is set free from my fear and frustration.
³This is no exception in God’s plan for my salvation.
* NOTHING is outside the Reality that ONLY God’s Truth IS REAL.
* From an ingrown toenail to the beheading of babies.
* These are fear-based optical illusions that appear to be real but could NOT be because God IS.
* I mean NO disrespect for the suffering of humanity or any part of All That Is.
* I just KNOW without a doubt that the ONLY ABSOLUTE I want in existence is God Being God.
⁴Let me perceive this only in the light of God’s plan for salvation.
* Let me 1. See it by the witness of the Holy Spirit. 2. Feel its emotional impact, however that manifests without clinging to that emotional cloud that will literally impact the cells of my body and mind, in all of its parts. 3. Let it be felt to its fullest and released as the witness to hysteria in the Mind of Christ that it is.
* Even those good things that the other person seems to have brings sorrow and longing in the one who does not know God OR that which you may have because one believes that they are not meant for ALL.
* This goes for what we see in sports or celebrity environments and talents, also.
* The Reality is that In God we each have all that the Father has so no one does with less than another, unless one chooses to do so ‘temporarily.’
3. (72) Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation.
* Holding a grievance basically means that I have let what is NOT real be so within my mind and thus separated myself from Truth.
* It goes a step further even:
²Holding grievances is an attempt to prove that God’s plan for salvation will not work.
³Yet only His plan will work.
⁴By holding grievances, I am therefore excluding my only hope of salvation from my awareness.
* Do I want to see God as REAL or my GRIEVANCES?
⁵I would no longer defeat my own best interests in this insane way.
⁶I would accept God’s plan for salvation, and be happy.
4. Specific applications for this idea might be in these forms:
²I am choosing between misperception and salvation as I look on this.
³If I see grounds for grievances in this, I will not see the grounds for my salvation.
⁴This calls for salvation, not attack.
* Salvation is ONLY found in denying the reality of error and seeing God beyond it everywhere and in all things.
(ACIM, W-86.1:1–4:4)
Till next time, God bless, debi.