My thoughts* on ACIM Workbook Lesson 211, for July 29, 2024. I am an eternal Child of God who has this body at the moment which will be taken off and exchanged for another form or essence times without end.
I am not a body.
* I am an eternal Child of God who has this body at the moment which will be taken off and exchanged for another form or essence times without end.
I am free.
* I am free to express existence as feels right to ME and I have the assistance of God, the Father to walk alongside me as well as All of Creation in the Eyes, Ears, and Voice of the (W)holy Spirit.
For I am still as God created me.
* A part of Himself within Him, never to be separated or denied His Love and Awareness.
1. (191) I am the holy Son of God Himself.
* Amen.
* Along with the rest of Creation seen and unseen by me at this time.
²In silence and in true humility I seek God’s glory, to behold it in the Son whom He created as my Self.
* God’s glory. * As you read the words think of God’s Glory which is ALSO OURS. The opposite would be what the ego, which was created out of fear to REPLACE God in our hearts and minds, would offer us.
* Similar and Opposite Words noun
1. high renown or honor won by notable achievements: renown, fame, prestige, honor, distinction, kudos, eminence, preeminence, acclaim, Opposite: shame, obscurity,
2. magnificence or great beauty: magnificence, splendor, resplendence, grandeur, majesty, greatness, impressiveness, Opposite: lowliness, modesty,
3. the splendor and bliss of heaven: blessedness, blessing, benediction, heaven, paradise, beatitude, saintliness, Opposite: hell
4. praise, worship, and thanksgiving offered to a deity. praise, worship, glorification, adoration, veneration, honor, reverence, exaltation
* verb take great pride or pleasure in: relish, savor, take great pleasure in, exult in, rejoice in, delight in, revel in, greatly enjoy, Opposite: feel ashamed of, exult in unpleasantly or boastfully:
enjoy, appreciate, relish, savor, vaunt, rejoice at/in, take delight in, Opposite: sorrow.
* I CHOOSE GOD, how about you?
³I am not a body.
⁴I am free.
⁵For I am still as God created me.
(ACIM, W-211.1:1–5)
Till next time, God bless, debi.