My thoughts* on some passages about relationships and guilt from the ACIM Urtext pg. 275 and 276.

Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
7 min readJun 18, 2023


Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

(Emphasis is from the text unaltered by me.)

ACIM Urtext, pg. 275:


For while you see one spot of guilt within you, YOU WILL NOT SEE THE LIGHT.

And by projecting it (*GUILT), the WORLD seems dark, and shrouded in your guilt.

You throw a dark veil over it, and cannot see it, BECAUSE YOU CANNOT LOOK WITHIN.

You are afraid of what you would see there, but it is NOT there.


If you would look within, you would see only the Atonement, shining in quiet and in peace, upon the altar to your Father.

Do not be afraid to look within.

The ego tells you all is black with guilt within you, and bids you NOT TO LOOK.

Instead, it bids you look upon your brothers AND SEE THE GUILT IN THEM.”

* This is where we are in the world today. This is why we need to Atonement AND why we are primed to receive it IF we have the courage to look within and see our innocence THROUGH the eyes of God, the Father.

ACIM Urtext pg. 276

“No real relationship can rest on guilt, or even hold one spot of it, to mar its purity.

For all relationships which guilt has touched, are used but to avoid the person AND the guilt.

* So we create our own fantasy stories about what each person in our lives is and we NEVER see their truth in God’s Perfection.

What strange relationships you have made for this strange purpose!

And you forgot that real relationships are holy (Hmm, Wholly, all encompassing. Hmm.), and cannot be used by YOU at all.

They are used ONLY by the Holy Spirit, and it is that that MAKES them pure.

* Used by the Holy (Wholly) Spirit they can only serve the greater good of the WHOLE SONSHIP and FATHER.

If you displace YOUR guilt upon them, the Holy Spirit cannot use them. (We have made them only fiction but this does not mean that they are not real because through the Atonement WHENEVER you decide to accept it all that is error is washed away and God’s blessing is on it which makes it Whole or “Holy.”

For, by pre-empting FOR YOUR OWN ends what you should have given HIM, he cannot use them unto YOUR release.

* Instead of giving forgiveness to the child born so that it could be separate from God and showing it that separation from God is impossible, we teach it that we created it and we have the power to make or break it.

* Even if we teach the child that God exists He is seen as separate and demanding using force to bring us to what we Naturally Are and able to reject us if we fall short of His expectations.

No-one who would unite in ANY way, with ANYONE, for his OWN salvation will find it in that strange relationship.

It is not shared, and so it is not real.

*The two in the relationship each have their own “fantasies” about what it actually is. This is not only between people who are intimate it is for anyone and perhaps even anything.

* The child in the previous example has fantasies of being its own person in a world that exists outside of God. The parents have fantasies that what they do shape the person that the child will become and yet, the child came with predetermined tendencies chosen by himself to try on as separated from God. NO ONE is on the same page. Where is salvation then. Where is true unity IN God to be found?

* Even for the child given to the church by the parents the child still sees God as being outside themselves. (Consider the story of Hildegarde of Bingen who given to the church by her rich parents as part of their tithe took on education and study as her legacy shifting the current belief that women were incapable of learning.)

* Hildegarde’s story was a NEEDED one for the evolution and awakening of Christ but it was not the fullness and we have the fullness before us today with the teachings of A Course in Miracles.

In any union with a brother, in which you seek to lay YOUR guilt upon him, or share it WITH him, or perceive his own, YOU WILL FEEL GUILTY.

* That is not embracing the ONENESS that is talked about today or which Jesus teaches in ACIM.

Nor will you find satisfaction and peace with him, because your union with him IS NOT REAL.

* What would our “sexual reality” look like if we were to see each other in TRUE UNION as God understands it??? This is my questioning research at this time.

You will see guilt in that relationship, BECAUSE YOU PUT IT THERE.

* I think most can relate to the guilt that we put on intimate relationships sexually and otherwise. The children get guilt put on them because inside they know that they are of God (or something bigger) and parents have allowed society to feed them guilt for how they raise their child.

It is inevitable that those who suffer guilt WILL attempt to displace it, because they DO believe in it.

Yet, though they suffer, they will not look within, AND LET IT GO.

* “Letting go” does not refer to being your own person and accepting who you are as is portrayed in a popular child’s movie from a couple of years ago. It happens by recognizing that God IS and that nothing could be outside of Him or His Will and forgiving all that appears to be that way as an error.

They cannot know they love, and cannot understand WHAT LOVING IS.

Their main concern is to perceive the source of guilt OUTSIDE themselves, BEYOND their own control.

* Thus, we become distracted from the world within that would confirm who we are as God’s Children.

When you maintain that YOU are guilty, but the source LIES IN THE PAST, you are NOT looking inward.

The past is NOT in you.

Your weird (*I corrected the spelling here. The vowels were swapped.) associations to it (*the past) HAVE no meaning in the present.

Yet you let them stand BETWEEN you and your brothers, with
whom you find no REAL relationships at all.

Can you EXPECT to use your brothers as a means to solve the past, and still to see them as they really ARE?

* As a side note; I was raised in the era of spankings, and I valued spankings as an adult, and as a child, because the past was erased. That was my understanding of it though I have to admit I am not sure that my parents or my children thought of it that way.

Salvation is not found by those who use their brothers to resolve problems WHICH ARE NOT THERE.

You wanted not salvation in the past.

*Why is it expressed that way? Was Jesus encouraging her to write a more “flowery prose” to keep her on task? Was it that her professional writing required a more demanding jargon, like that of a lawyer or a doctor and it flowed over into her scribing? Just some thoughts about why Helen may have written that this way instead of “You did not want salvation in the past.”

Would you impose your idle wishes on the present, and hope to find salvation NOW?

Determine, then, to be NOT as you were.

Use no relationship to hold you to the past, but with each one, each day be born again.

* Worth repeating: With each relationship, each day be born again.

* This way we would understand that the only one that we truly can KNOW is God. Think about that for a minute. At this point in our evolution ONLY God IS truly knowable because ONLY He does not change.

* I do not know about you but that kind of shakes up the way that I view the world AND it makes my listening to the interpretations of the Holy (Wholly) Spirit for every exchange I have with anyone to be very important!

* This is how I am able to utilize my relationships for the benefit of the Whole.

A minute, even less, will be enough to free you from the past, and give your mind in peace over to the Atonement.

* This is how easily your life can shift. Then the Holy (Wholly) Spirit guides you through the undoing of trained responses from the belief in separation from God, self, others, and all that is.

When everyone is welcome to you as you would have YOURSELF be welcome to your Father, you will see no guilt in you.

For you will have ACCEPTED the Atonement, which shone within you all the while you dreamed of guilt, and would not look within and SEE it.

As long as you believe that guilt is justified in ANY way, in ANYONE, WHATEVER he may do, you will not look within, where you would ALWAYS find Atonement.

The end of guilt will never come as long as you believe THERE IS A REASON FOR IT.

For you must learn that guilt is ALWAYS totally insane, and HAS no reason.

The Holy Spirit seeks not to dispel REALITY.

If GUILT were real, ATONEMENT would not be.

The purpose of Atonement is to dispel illusions, NOT to establish them as real, and THEN forgive them.

The Holy Spirit does not KEEP illusions in your mind to frighten you, and show them to you fearfully, to demonstrate what He has saved you from.”

* “The Holy Spirit does not KEEP illusions in your mind to frighten you, and show them to you fearfully, to demonstrate what He has saved you from.” HOWEVER, you will still live in the world of form where people do think that the psychotic world that the ego shows us is REAL and Spirit will allow us to see where they are confused and we need to stay stable and level in the Atonement and not accept the temptation to THROW GUILT on either ourselves or them anymore.

Find a free pdf download of the Urtext of ACIM here.

Till next time, God bless, debi.



Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Written by Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Atonement, His (Christ’s) Story, Three Temptations: Addiction, Power-Hunger, and Depression, “Seeing” Truth in the “Unseen”, Living Above the Chaos C U there :)

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