My thoughts* on Workbook Lesson 335 for November 29, 2024. I choose to see my brother’s (*and sister’s) sinlessness.
I choose to see my brother’s sinlessness.
* I want to see him sinless because I want that, as well.
1. Forgiveness is a choice.
* To the Whole Sonship of Christ or it is NOT REAL FORGIVENESS.
²I never see my brother as he is, for that is far beyond perception.
* It is a ‘simple’ knowing that he is God’s Son.
³What I see in him is merely what I wish to see, because it stands for what I want to be the truth.
⁴It is to this alone that I respond, however much I seem to be impelled by outside happenings.
* THIS does not mean that you will not have emotional reactions to things or not see circumstances or behaviors.
⁵I choose to see what I would look upon, and this I see, and only this.
* I see the beauty of her perseverance in being true to her self as a part of Creation worthy of all the joy she could absorb. (**This is a testament to someone who departed her body on Thanksgiving and someone who gave me the great gift of her example.
⁶My brother’s sinlessness shows me that I would look upon my own.
* Amen.
⁷And I will see it, having chosen to behold my brother in its holy light.
* Choosing to see my brothers and sisters in the whole knowledge of Christ as all that is or ever could be in the Mind and Will of Father.
2. What could restore Your memory to me, except to see my brother’s sinlessness?
* Would “Your” not be the Christ?
²His holiness reminds me that he was created one with me, and like myself.
* Does it not make more sense to say “his wholeness” reminds me that he was created one with me, and like myself ‘a part of the whole that is Christ.’
³In him I find my Self, and in Your Son I find the memory of You as well.
* In him (my brother and sister who are wholly in Christ) I find Self (Christ), and in Your Son (Christ) I find the memory of You (Father/God/Creator/Source) as well.
(ACIM, W-335.1:1–2:3)
Till next time, God Bless, debi.