My understanding on this matter today is that there is a Divine Nature within us that we believe we have thwarted through separation and that breeds guilt and fear along with a true sense of the need to be punished even unto death.
I would agree that we must take accountability for the way the world looks today.
We do not want to throw out the baby with the bathwater though.
Let us look at the fact that if there is a Divinity that Created us and that is all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere then we would have to be like it. And perhaps our view that we are guilty needs to be released so that we might see what we are doing as a mistake and not an offense worthy of death by some God who doesn't have the patience to teach or nurture His Creation so that they know who they are.
My core feeling today is that God as the Creator is the ONE thing that makes us ALL EQUAL and gives us a starting place to correct our errors without judgment but with compassion and guidance from the Holy Spirit within us who is representative not only of the Creator but All of Creation as well and is fully capable of leading us out of our dilemma.