Member-only story
October Means a Lot to Me
My brother’s birthday and two of my children, then there’s Halloween.
Halloween was my eldest daughter’s favorite holiday as it is for many people nowadays.
I love the cooler weather.
I am a sweater-weather girl. :)
It is the season for new beginnings for me.
I think that idea came from going to school with new clothes because I was the eldest and had grown out of the others.
There was the chance that this time I would meet someone that would tell me life was real here.
I never found that person though I would search for decades. In people, philosophies, religions, organizations, etc. I did not understand then that it was not to be found.
Today, I know better than to look outside to find comfort or peace.
I am grateful for that witness.
Inside is a Divine Voice that whispers, “You have value and purpose.” We all have it.
Finding it and learning to be willing to yield to it and trust it is the greatest gift I could give to anyone, ever!
I offer this, my testimony, that there is a divinity within you that will guide you to the Atonement once you are willing to “look and see” beyond the horrors that your spiritual eye will…