Member-only story
On the L’EDGE of Suicide.
Most great thinkers get there; if they have not lived their entire lives in that state.
Today our fascination within the life of the physical psychological maze we have given to our current consciousness that equals the validity of our existence is so frail and based on such unsubstantiated “truths” that it is no wonder that people fall off the grid in numbers that are alarming.
We have created identities that are so minuscule and unrelated to our truth that it is a wonder that as many continue the walk of worldly existence for as long as they do.
For some time now I have been aware of a key reason for staying here within this sphere of challenge and that is the impact of forgiveness on the psychological dynamic of the united consciousness.
To understand and bear witness that the world that we have created for ourselves is not the one that we want nor the one that we are confined to, except within our state of belief, is important to the lifting of the consciousness of the whole entity of creation.