Problem is, we want to follow someone else instead of listening to the guidance within, This is what creates gurus.
Also, love is the essence of what we are because it is what God is. The challenge is that our thoughts have accepted a false reality that we may "simply let go of", once we are willing to do so.
Then we will be able to forgive the mistake of believing the two are separated which will put us in the position of receiving guidance individually directly from God. No guru required.
No need to worry about behaviors either. The Holy Spirit/Inner Voice will guide us with that as we learn to truly take care of our mind, body, and surroundings under His tutelage.
It only requires our willingness to hear, and He is very gentle. (Please do not get hung up on the gender. It is irrelevant.)
Humanity has an unconscious need to prove that it is worthy of suffering. That is what all philosophies and Jesus have been trying to correct since the beginning of time.
It will happen for each of us. We are the ones who get to decide when.