Second Universal Reading for December 2024 SEE FATHER through the Atonement and LIVE
1. Allowing Father to TRULY EXIST in my life and in the world around me INCLUDES allowing SPIRIT to be responsible for the future, and not me.
I do this by releasing fear about the future and exercising FAITH in His Direction and Promptings knowing that HE SEES a much bigger picture than I EVER COULD; and that Father Seeks the Restoration and Healing of the ENTIRE SONSHIP and not just the part that I am aware of.
This also allows SPIRIT to CLEAN UP ATTACHMENT AND TRAUMA that existed in the past.
These are things that the Atonement brings to us when we SEE Father and release the Son from punishment for the momentary illusion of belief in separation from God.
Letting go of the belief that we are our own creators and following the Promptings of God through the feelings and Guidance of SPIRIT will help us in the “CLEAN-UP” duties that we need to be about psychologically, even as we do what we are prompted to do.
The “DOING” is to build confidence within ourselves about the fact that we are being Guided rather than to prove something to Father or earn our way into His Grace and Affections.
2. Father will not force His Will. He Will Wait until we understand that His Will is the ONLY ONE THAT COULD BE REAL.
Then, and ONLY then will nothing be able to be withheld from you and the entire Sonship of Christ.
This is why we can trust that anything that we desire that stems from LOVE and Generosity will not be kept from us but is held in reserve until we are willing to receive it without fear, individually and collectively.
SPIRIT will help us hold onto that understanding and witness until it is able to be manifested.
3. Any trauma that you choose to see as real you will take on as if it were you.
This is a tricky thing to “understand” and it seems to be false but remember that we are ONE BEING and have ONE MIND.
Believing that there is sin or death or destruction in the world that Father has allowed us to “truly experience” is the opposite of belief in God, the One, Original, Universal Father of us all.
This is why you want to steer clear of judgment and let go of the belief in the stories of destruction and division that are all around us.
In the Atonement that Jesus invites us to partake in, as described above, we come to understand this.
4. The concept of “NOW” is not about wrapping our heads around anything timewise. It is about acknowledging God and that HE is the ONLY ONE Who can “live our life, for us.”
That is a strong and unique thought in today’s psyche.
But think about it.
If God IS (and I KNOW that HE IS), then it is He that needs to have the reins on our life and not us.
We, as His Son, have the privilege of being there with Him and observing our desires manifesting to HIS DELIGHT.
Till next time, God Bless, debi.