Second Universal Reading for October 2024, Father Sees Us and Has Our Backs!

Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
11 min readOct 25, 2024


Edited 28 October 2024:

1. You may be able to ‘see their role’ in the Universal Plan of Salvation but this does not mean that you will be able to adjust or correct it.

In fact:

IF YOU DO you may be messing up the whole program. Listening to God’s Will through the whispers and promptings of the (whole) Spirit will tell you what you should do to best serve the United Consciousness of Christ.

I found out today (this was about a week ago) that the person I had befriended ~ who was consumed by another who decided she had “the right” to “steal her friendship from me” ~ was taken to the hospital by ambulance and will not be coming back because she is so worn down and beaten from what they are calling “an infection.” (It turns out it was not an infection but a problem with her kidneys serious enough to require long-term care.)

On the day she was taken, I had the desire to give her a call and see how she was. I thought it over and decided that, at this point, I did not need to get the neighbors all ‘hepped’ up by me showing up. I DO NOT want to deal with them. I did not go to her but sent a prayer that her needs would be met. (An ambulance did arrive to take her to the hospital and her care will be at an assisted living facility hereafter.)

This is not an unusual occurrence for me when someone I am close to in a spiritual sense is in distress.

In the “true Church” … How many times I testified of that for over thirty years! I do not support that statement today because the TRUE Church is the ENTIRE BODY of Christ which is simply All of Creation Who Knows Who It Is as God’s Son.

In the “true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” I was taught that this was the Holy Spirit prompting me to go and see her.


Rather, it was a witness to me of our connection and it was for me to decide with my own feelings and listening to God’s Will through promptings of the Spirit as to what I was to do.

Prayers have been sent on her behalf as they were before, and I may attempt to call her if the Spirit says to do so but I will trust that all things are known “in spirit” and give thanks for our association. (I did leave a message and said she could call or not. I have not heard from her. No doubt she will be going through a lot in adjusting to her situation. I did wish her every blessing and support in her travels/life.)

We had actually met on the sidewalk a couple of weeks ago and I had hoped to speak to her, but it would have been to ask how she was being treated by ‘the village.’

I did not want to impose and let her guide what we did. She loaded up her electric scooter and lovingly and politely said her goodbyes.

I did not feel prompted to do more though I would have loved to have given her a hug as I had done many times before.

THIS is how I live out this concept today of allowing SPIRIT to Guide me in any given situation.

Also, I take them individually and do not use a ‘universal’ concept developed by those who suggest they have authority.

In the Church, they may call them “General” Authorities and as such do not speak to individual situations BUT that is NOT how it is understood by those I was taught by or went to church with over thirty years, in many different congregations, large and small over the USA.

There are truths within the Church but the mere fact that it deems itself a ‘governing body’ with leadership through a priesthood that is selective and exclusive, sets it up as a false teaching from what I gather in the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth who in A Course in Miracles teaches that we are to be governors of ourselves through the direction of the SPIRIT.

When we establish rules to follow, we have denied our own place as the Son of God and LIKE Our Father, and we tell the SPIRIT we have NO NEED OF HIM because, well, we got our rules or ‘structure’ that we have established. Instead of relying on the Spirit’s Guidance in each situation.

This idea of taking each situation singularly needs to be allowed as we move into it fully though general welfare guardianship for the whole community or organization is reasonable at least at this time. Is it clear what I am suggesting? We want to move into a place where SPIRIT GUIDES US in individual and group/community situations.

I would like to see churches become places where we can go for assistance on how to listen to the SPIRIT instead of rules to apply, AND I would like to see them as a place that bears witness that God Is GOD and that there is equality in His Sonship. I think “the church” attempts this but it is lost. (Now, I have not been there since 2015 or so. Maybe it has shifted its focus, I could not say.)

The Atonement keeps us in REMEMBRANCE of OUR FATHER, and HIS CARE and COUNSEL making life in the delusion of the belief in separation MANAGEABLE for me.

2. SEE CHRIST IN EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Da, da, da, AND — do not be afraid to see the ego at work behind the smile.




It means addressing what is presented in a compassionate way to uplift the individual and the WHOLE Son of God. FATHER Will Guide us into this as we yield to the promptings and direction of SPIRIT.

I am NOT attempting to tell you WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO ABOUT any given situation.

I am saying that YOU MUST be willing to SEE IT, and IDENTIFY IT AS FALSE AND NOT REAL, while still seeing it as something that YOU MAY NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT ACCORDING to the Guidance of FATHER through the promptings of the SPIRIT within you.

Please note that it occurs to me that instead of saying “WHOLE” Spirit or WHOLLY Spirit (or that gawd awful “Holy” Spirit). Perhaps the TRUTH is simply “the SPIRIT within you.” That which tells you that you are Loved by God and Part of the Whole Sonship that is Christ.

This idea is growing in me and to even use “the” seems to remove Him somehow. I see Him as very much the very essence of Who and What WE TRULY ARE WITHIN the Mind and Will of God, OUR ORIGINAL and UNIVERSAL CREATOR.

3. In my book, “Mama’s Christmas Carol, You Got the Power, Mom!” that I do this reading from, this was about privacy.

Heaven is revealed to us as we walk in the witness of the True Complete Forgiveness of the Atonement which is the undoing of the belief in separation from God and All That Is as part of the Body of Christ.

Eternal Life is met there as well.

I do not see privacy in Heaven for all things are known now and the obligation to “past” has disappeared so there is no time.

That does not mean that I do not retain relationships. It means I do not force myself on others because of some role society gave me that says I can. It also means I do not carry guilt OR cast it on others. WOULD THESE NOT BE THE VERY “CHAINS” THAT Ebenezer Scrooge saw Marley carrying in the Christmas Carol??? In Mama’s Christmas Carol we are shown were they come from and how to release them.


In Heaven we will be able to make a mistake, and it will NOT CREATE HAVOC AROUND the world because we will understand it can be corrected and not seen as real in the first place.

We will live “Whole Instant” by “Whole Instant” IN GOD, the Original, Universal Father, and in the fullness of Christ as THE WHOLE of ALL THAT IS.

Eventually, will NO ONE make a mistake?

I am not sure about that, but I do know it will not be a burden IF it happens because Father has it covered.

I also expect it will be thousands of years before the damage has been cleaned up on the level at which the error of belief in separation occurred which is ‘form.’


How do we gather in form with those who do not yet know?

How about with those who do know?

These are questions that I have and that are worth asking.

I am not saying that I have the answers for all time, but I would like to start the conversation.

We will need to bring REMEMBRANCE to ANYWHERE we are or have a Voice.

Remembrance that God IS, Christ is All That Is AS His Son, and Spirit resides within each part as a Personal Guide from Father as a WHOLE.

4. Releasing Jesus from all points or claims to error in his part of accepting the belief in separation is key to our release as the Body of Christ.

It is a real possibility that the ONLY ONE that TRULY NEEDS FORGIVENESS is Jesus.

I have wondered if I am not him reincarnated to discover God once more and release MY PERSONAL BELIEF in separation from God so that we might be WHOLE ONCE more. COULDN’T THAT BE SAID FOR EACH OF US? It actually would line up with the idea of ONENESS in a BIG WAY. 😉😊 … possibilities.

Why Jesus, though?

Because he was the first to have the potentiality of the thought of separation and believed that it occurred so he had to restore things, and we have what we think of as life at this time because of this.

It was actually corrected before it even got started.


Jesus might just be the 1 out of 100 and as we forgive the Original Thought of the Possibility of Separation, we will see both the Father and the Son.

Jesus is also the one who thought we needed governing and leadership other than the SPIRIT during the time when he was working out of his ‘ego, or “I am the creator or my destiny” attitude’ as he dealt with so many over the eons we have been in the mental belief of separation.

He learned line upon line like we do by the witness of the WHOLE SPIRIT that it is God’s VOICE through SPIRIT that Guides us out of our delusion and into the understanding that we are still in Heaven WITH FATHER as His Son, as we were at our creation.

I feel as if I am actually discussing things much bigger than I have a handle on at this time. I feel the SPIRIT’s prompting to proceed. Thank you for holding the space for me to do this and for taking responsibility to hear and listen through Father’s Translator, the SPIRIT.

We are a part of the Resurrection when we accept the complete forgiveness of the belief in separation from God that the Atonement offers. For those willing to get ‘the meat of the situation’ from the Urtext of A Course in Miracles, I will share this from page 488.

“This course will teach you ONLY what is now. A dreadful instant in a distant past, now perfectly corrected, is of no concern nor value. Let the dead and gone be peacefully forgotten. Resurrection has come to take its place. And now you are a part of Resurrection, NOT of death. No past illusions have the power to keep you in a place of death, a vault God’s Son entered an instant, to be instantly restored unto His Father’s Perfect Love. And how can he be kept in chains long since removed, and gone forever from his mind? The Son that God created is as free as God created him. He was reborn the instant that he chose to die, instead of live. And will you not forgive him now, because he made an error in the past that God remembers not, and is not there?”

* This is what makes me feel that “The Matrix” is really a Ghost Town where we believe we are, but are NOT.

“Now are you shifting back and forth, between the past and present. Sometimes the past seems real, as if it WERE the present. Voices FROM the past are heard, and then are doubted. You are like to one who still hallucinates, but lacks conviction in what he perceives. This is the borderland between the worlds, the bridge between the past and present. Here the shadow of the past remains, but still a present Light is dimly recognized. Once it is seen, this Light can never be forgotten. It must draw you from the past into the present, where you really ARE. The shadow voices do not CHANGE the laws of time or of eternity. They come from what is past and gone, but hinder not the true existence of the here and now.

The real world is the second part of the hallucination (*that) time and death are real, and have existence which can be perceived. This terrible illusion was denied in but the time it took for God to give His Answer to illusion for ALL time and EVERY circumstance. And then it was no more, to be experienced as there. (* In other words, IT IS GONE ALREADY.) Each day, and every minute in each day, and every instant that each minute holds, you but relive the single instant when the time of terror was replaced by Love. And so you die each day to live again, until you cross the gap between the past and present, which is NOT a gap at all.

Such is each life; a seeming interval from birth to death, and on to life again, a repetition of an instant gone by long ago, which cannot BE relived. (* IF it can change it is NOT REAL. And if it cannot be relived it has changed. Any part of Christ can be in any part of true existence whenever he chooses to.) And ALL of time is but the mad belief that what is over is still here and now. Forgive the past and let it go, for it IS gone. You stand no longer on the ground that lies between the worlds. You HAVE gone on, and reached the world that lies at Heaven’s gate. There is no hindrance to the Will of God, nor any need that you repeat again a journey that was over long ago. Look gently on each other, and behold the world in which perception of your hate has been transformed into a world of Love.”

Click here for the link I used to find this document and references. Click on the link to return to the previous page and it should keep Medium up and put the Urtext in a new tab. Thanks for checking it out.

* Welcome to MY world. 😉

Till next time, God Bless, debi.



Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Written by Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Atonement, His (Christ’s) Story, Three Temptations: Addiction, Power-Hunger, and Depression, “Seeing” Truth in the “Unseen”, Living Above the Chaos C U there :)