Thank you for bringing this to our attention again!
It cannot be forgotten.
Sadly, this is not the only place where injustices are to be found but it is a start to identify and demand restructure of our establishments.
It will be the Atonement alone that will truly bring about the change that we want because it happens one on one and it changes the heart of the individual and gives them an entirely new perspective on the world around them.
It will grow. It will be understood and I know that we can look forward to a future with freedom and equal rights for all.
May it be sooner rather than later is my prayer and request to all within range of my voice. It is up to each of us individually to make a decision for freedom, for life, for God to have His place and let us worship Him however we may with the understanding that He only creates perfection and that He is our creator.
In Jesus' name, for the sake of the Whole of Christ, Amen.