The body of humans and all that appears as form on this planet that we reside is subject to death and decay.
Is it really so difficult to imagine that the Son of God might place Himself (IE, His Thoughts and Ideas) within the framework of something that is not interpreted to be quite so destructible as the organic composite of an organism that houses multitudes of organisms that serve it by feeding off of it as well as being a feeding ground for parasites and other entities that will destroy the human body as they feed off of its flesh and bone?
One might look at is as a way of releasing oneself from a self-created prison or even a flesh-eating hell, if in fact, there is any truth to the idea that the world is in fact made up of ideas.
I would suggest that we might accept the idea of the Atonement and the Holy Instant as described in ACIM, even if we only do it as a scientific experiment and see what the world looks like in five years as we are led by the Holy Spirit to prepare ourselves for receiving the Heaven we were created to be a part of within the Mind of God.