
The teachings of Jesus actually teach us that We are all the Christ along with all of creation, ie, the body of Christ.

All of creation because what can be outside of a God that is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent?

A Course in Miracles takes off where the Bible was supposed to go. If one knows the Bible well and reads the Urtext of ACIM one will have a better understanding of how to return to the Mind and Will of God Whom we never left and be the Light for others simply by holding the truth.

This is my understanding after 50 plus years of seeking and studying.



Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Atonement, His (Christ’s) Story, Three Temptations: Addiction, Power-Hunger, and Depression, “Seeing” Truth in the “Unseen”, Living Above the Chaos C U there :)