Things Are NOT What They Appear to Be; I Need ‘Divine Eyes’ to See
It looked like it was going straight into the air. It kept going higher and higher. Finally, I could see that the trajectory was horizontal with the earth and not vertical. The jet’s chemtrails were clear to see along with many others that had gone overhead.
I could not help but think about our “stories” and how they seem illogical and very confusing. The idea of two human beings who ‘seem’ to be able to reason coming together in a common understanding seems impossible when there is NO basis for common understanding.
Then I thought of how the Atonement neutralizes everything and puts our GPS in the Hands of the Holy Spirit. I understood that I am being asked to let go of my need to understand existence from a linear perspective. One plus one will no longer equal two.
I have a witness of where I am to ‘be.’ This needs to be sufficient for me even if it drives me nuts for a while and I feel ‘like a fish out of water.’
The ‘story’ that will take place or be observed by ‘historians’ still caught in the flap of ‘time’ and not as yet in Eternity will have no bearing on who or what I truly am or ever will be, nor will it impact those around me in any long-lasting manner.
At 67 I am able to experience this and not be overwhelmed. I do not have children to raise and such. I am able to experiment on the Word of the Lord (Jesus) that I find in A Course in Miracles and bear witness of the outcome.
If I am to be of real value to the Consciousness that I understand to be Christ, I must be willing to do this and trust that I will be guided and that God’s Will and Mine, as His Son, will be done.
The inner and outer world may never line up in this lifetime.
The ego mentality lives in another place than reality and one who is aware of reality (God’s Existence) will NEVER understand that which is the fearful ego because it MAKES NO SENSE.
And depending on where I am called to be in this ‘timeline,’ I want to ask the Holy Spirit to ‘carry’ the ‘burden’ of translation and emotional response to my experiences. I suspect that over time I will be more and more comfortable just witnessing joy in existence as I become more confident in the assistance of the Holy Spirit even as Jesus says within the Course.
I have this INSIDE perhaps that is the meaning of ‘lining up the inner world with the outer world.’ In other words, the allowance of the Divine Witness Within to testify to you that all is well, regardless of the circumstances.
One needs to find the ‘God Awareness’ within and then listen to the Guidance of the Holy Spirit to be able to bring greater Light into the Mind of Christ and the United Consciousness.
Till next time, God bless, debi.