This begins the discussion of the "superego".
I sense that the "conscience of integrated shoulds and should nots" comes from our innate unity or oneness that the id/ego has deprived us of seeking solo torture dressed as pleasure.
" Everything it does is an attempt to align you with your ideal self and to steer you away from bad behaviors. It’s always trying to move you towards what you should be. You can think of the superego as the angel on your shoulder."
I would suggest that this component of the psyche aligns with guilt and while dangling the ever-present carrot of "being worthy and belonging" it is a double-edged sword encouraging us to be xyz while giving us ever-greater tasks, thus perpetuating our base understanding of unworthiness.
Thus it becomes a task-master, keeping the parent ever near yet out of reach. Denying the Love that unites all that is with one another and the Creator.
The idea that we would consider this task-master "an angel" is indicative of the confusion that the universal mind of the Son has come to; where it identifies that which harms as positive and that which heals (Its presence in God, the Father) as destructive and imprisoning.