This makes me shudder.
In my vernacular, I would say this is the confused-ego mind that believes it has separated from God.
"The organizing principle of the id is the pleasure principle — it works by what feels good."
Here, I would suggest that it is not "pleasure" that is being sought, but attack and whatever form of self-torture that can be devised because is what the ego believes in. It is, in fact, what keeps it "alive", the idea that "self-awareness" is worthy of punishment because it defies God.
The ego/id keeps our conscious mind unaware of our self-loathing by convincing us these are pleasure buttons.
" ...we don’t think of them as evil. We say they don’t know better. That is a helpful attitude to cultivate towards the id."
I like this response. They don't know better. My understanding of the core ego we come into the world with is that it is like a confused and frightened child, trying to hide from the monster it considers itself to be as well as hiding from God, certain that it has offended beyond repair.
"It is not trying to derail you and it is not scheming against you. The id is pure nature burning inside you. It’s a furnace of desire. Those desires may not align with the agenda of the superego or reality, but that’s not the concern of the id."
Regrettably, I cannot agree that the id/ego is not seeking to derail you.
I am suggesting that the id/ego is definitely seeking to do you harm because at its core it knows who you truly are and fears its own demise at your discovery that you have never separated from God and have always been and always will be one with Him.
What the id/ego does not understand in its panic and self-imposed dilemma is that the id/ego was created by the Son of God (which includes the whole Sonship) and God will honor it and give it a reality as a creation of the Son.
There is no "waste-product" within the Father and the Father/God is all that IS.
Amongst my peers as a student of ACIM, here is where I most differ. I believe that I have existence. As does all that have been created or thought and the thoughts of those thoughts because this describes the creation that was begun when the Father desired a Son.
In terms of gender, I see that as a quirky misconstruct of the Son's ego as one of many forms of self-attack. I do not believe, in other words, that genitalia (form, which defines gender) is required for creation.