Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
4 min readJan 1, 2025

To ALL, near and far: I SEE YOU (2025)

I SEE YOU (2025)

by debi yvonne simmons, may you have a truly Happy New Year.

I put Christ’s Face before me in the world not hiding behind it, not to shame the world or condemn it to Hell. But to call to it in the Name and Presence of the Father. That we might arise Whole, without scar or blemish, embracing Heaven and the existence of the JOY for which we were created

within the Mind and Will of He Who Bears us Eternally.

Not to spit us out of His Mouth like an ‘image or plastic toy’ fully conceived and formed to fulfill a fabricated, made-up STORY. But to dwell in Full Satisfaction and Transfiguration Forever, Beloved and Cherished as ONLY God, Our Original, Universal, Father, Provider, Protector, Nurturer, And Guide May. Forever delighting in the Son’s Expansion, Growth, Expression, and DIVERSITY.

Oh, that my heart may embrace each and every component and particle of Christ’s Essence Individually. Every note and chord until I choose to hear nothing outside of the orchestra of Christ’s profound harmony that is so great the world has need to prepare yet for millennia. Till His Full Glory be recognized and embraced.

You ask me to join a ‘story.’ You offer me ‘jewels’ and a life of ‘pampered care’ and ‘affection.’ Yet how can a ‘story’ compare to the Reality of what we ARE within the Mind and Will of Him Who Created Us?

Ask me not to join you. Rather, ask your own mind if you are ready to release the heavy burden of judging a world YOU have already condemned to suffer and burn in the presence of your righteous indignation which is only a reflection of your belief in a false Image. One that YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU have created of yourself to hide you from a god who YOU believe YOU have offended or that COULD be offended.

Set your brother free and IN SO DOING release yourself from these invisible chains that YOU fancy punish YOUR brother, which are but smoke and mirrors for the damage that you believe that YOU have caused by YOUR long list of “sins.” Having forgotten that there is NO “CAUSE” SAVE FATHER, ALONE wherein ALL DWELL in Harmony and Joy. Where the frantic delusions of the Son of God have not hindered the continuation of creation, nor dimmed the Light, Witness, and KNOWLEDGE that ONLY GOD IS or EVER COULD BE.

Forgive yourself by forgiving your brother no matter how “real” the offense or how “personal” the attack may seem. Let go of myths and traditions that foster a seedbed for nightmares and horrors committed against the Son. Release is as close as a THOUGHT.

Then let us join hands and praise the Almighty Creator Who Carries His Son AS A WHOLE Within His Eternal Glory FOREVER, restoring the Earth to its purpose in Paradise as a part of the Body of Christ and let nothing be used or abused in the name of the Son’s fall and belief in separation ever after.

We will be Led. We will be Guided. And we will awaken from our fears and embrace one another IN Father forever in Each Whole, Complete, and Fulfilled Instant with the mists of doubt and the subjection of inequality vanquished never more to return. This is mine today in the witness of the Father and the Son in SPIRIT within my psyche, heart, and essence. Ask me not to leave it, rather, ask how to give away that which keeps us from this Truth and Reality.

Could I speak of Light and Love if I were to insist on anything less? And nothing less do I wish to speak of. Do not think of me as puffed up and proud rather, as firm in a conviction of YOUR INNOCENCE and that of all you are now or ever may be aware of.

Stand beside me capable, and willing to do without the FALSE EMBRACE OF COMPANY OR COMPANIONSHIP IN VICTIMIZATION AND SUFFERING so that we may witness to the world, and those that will yet inherit it, that there is NO OPPOSITION TO OUR ONE TRUE ORIGINAL, UNIVERSAL CREATOR and FATHER.


This photo represents to me an image that is difficult to embrace if it is not your role in the Universal Plan of Salvation and the way the ego=god mentality that Christ imagined to replace our Heavenly Father deceives us.

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash
Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Written by Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Atonement, His (Christ’s) Story, Three Temptations: Addiction, Power-Hunger, and Depression, “Seeing” Truth in the “Unseen”, Living Above the Chaos C U there :)

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