Universal Reading 10 August 2022
The Light is what you want to “see” and what you want to share.
1. The first mistake was when Christ thought He had pulled away from God and become separate.
This means that we need to forgive the Whole Christ which includes all of creation, including; you, me, Jesus, ancestors, those yet to come, those not of this earth, and everything else.
All of this “story” except for God’s Love is forgiven once the original idea of separation has been forgiven. And we do this by forgiving Christ and returning the Mind of Christ to the Father, where He never left.
2. Each has our individuality and uniqueness that was given to us at the beginning of time that extends God’s Love to the Son and the Son’s Love to the Father. This begins with the complete forgiveness of the Atonement.
We start with complete forgiveness of the error of separation and then we acknowledge our “stories” and share them with gratitude and forgiveness to share that Love of the Father with the Son and vice versa.
The UNIQUENESS that I am speaking of here is intrinsic to our personal consciousness within the Son of God. You are you and God is GLAD.
3. We teach others who they are by acknowledging ourselves.
This is sharing the light within us that knows that we are the Christ. We share that Light best through the forgiveness of that which is not of God and resting in the peace, joy, happiness, and gratitude that forgiveness gives.
4. His Story
Let the Holy Spirit change the story of separation and maybe even struggle from a tragedy to a Love Story from Father to the Son.
Do not own anything except that you are as God created you.
I can only share my witness. I cannot bring the light into your being because it is already there. I am just trying to remind you of it. ❤
Till next time, God bless, debi.