Universal Reading 10th and 15th of January 2023 His Spirit Is Being Poured Out On the World
We have the power to rewrite history and heal the Whole Sonship of Christ.
1. His Story
It is time to RE-WRITE history!
We have the power to remove the suffering of humanity and all of Creation by acknowledging the Love of God for His Son.
Let God’s Love be SEEN and ACKNOWLEDGED throughout all EXISTENCE!
Let NO “-ISM” or single component of Creation hold your attention!
Release it all through the LOVING FORGIVENESS of the ATONEMENT that has been available to CHRIST (YOU) since before it was needed.
This IS the message that Jesus and Father have been trying to share!
2. Depression is a choice consciously or subconsciously to deny God.
Disclaimer: I am not a therapist or doctor of any sort. This is not intended as medical advice. Seek competent help as needed. This is provided for awareness alone and it is to be received in the mind and spirit. As is the entire reading. It is not professional advice for the physical.
Depression is a choice consciously
or subconsciously
to deny God.
The “so-called” powerful have it just as much as anyone else IF they deny the Power that comes from God ALONE in the form of His Love.
3. Compassion needs to be your offering to each other.
We want to offer this through the true forgiveness of the Atonement; then the remembrance that God is the One Who Provides ALL of our needs.
Then, and only by the direction of the Holy Spirit, are we to share whatever resources and gifts we are prompted to share.
* It is vital to recall that NO ONE can be Forced to accept Spiritual Healing. AND that Judgment needs to be given over to the Holy Spirit in all things as the Holy Spirit understands the fullness of what you are and the perfection with which God created You.
4. You have EVERYTHING in the Holy Spirit.
We are led to believe that the Holy Spirit is a take-it-or-leave-it sort of witness and being. Yet, He is vital to our existence as we literally “give up our life to HIM through His Direction” so that we may HAVE Eternal Life.
This is important enough to repeat:
We are led to believe that the Holy Spirit is a take-it-or-leave-it sort of witness and being. Yet, He is vital to our existence as we literally “give up our life to HIM through His Direction” so that we may HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.
5. Having joy in the moment allows you to alter the entire Christ Consciousness.
Having JOY in the moment allows you to alter the entire Christ Consciousness.
Having JOY NOW allows you to send HEALING to the entire Christ Consciousness.
Having JOY NOW allows you to be HEALED ~ NOW.
Having JOY NOW allows you to Step
Into Eternity ~ NOW ~ .
Where does this JOY come from?
The same place that the
Peace that is NOT understood in the world of the EGO is.
It is IN the Atonement that “undoes” the original error of belief in the — Separation OF ANYTHING AT ALL — !!!
What could prompt greater JOY than knowing that everyone has everything that they could ever imagine they could desire as we Stand Together in the Presence of God’s Love???!!!!!!
6. Our witness of Heaven brings its memory to others.
To witness is simply to stand in the knowledge of something.
We do this as we grow in the understanding of the Atonement that we have taken unto ourselves with Jesus and our other brothers (gender NOT implied at all).
We EACH decide WHEN
we will accept the truth that is our
Till next time, God bless, debi.