Universal Reading 15 June 2023 Depression Comes from Feeling Separated: How We Get Along Matters.
Power Hunger and Bullying Have No Place in Our Societies!
And yes, they CAN be eliminated by altering our self-talk!!
1. Depression
When we are influenced by media programming and the “news” we can feel overwhelmed.
Attacks, and lack of many forms, seem to be the norm.
When our eyes are opened by the Holy (Wholly) Spirit we will see this is what is happening with nearly every person we meet.
This is why meditation, nature, and stillness can be so important. In these environments and states of mind, we may feel a sense of connection bigger than we are, and not feel alone. These places of refuge calm and fill us up like fuel in a vehicle to get from one place to the next.
This is especially true on the micro level when you are able to see the ego masks of people who seek to distance themselves from God. (Or maybe that is because this is where I am in my life cycle.)
You may sense a deep sorrow and may even need to distance yourself from them physically. Still, they will feel of your peace and joy in your witness that they are much more than they appear to be. It will touch that within them that knows that they also are connected to all that is.
I had two online “Friends” commit suicide this year. I feel like I was among the last hope that they were looking for.
My witness does not give a lot of hope for those who rely on the world or those in it to provide some form of relief.
Sadly, with the pandemic of loneliness, that the age of technology has brought to our awareness, this may be happening more and more for a while. Especially as the human conscious is rising and old forms of thinking are no longer adequate.
I cannot take responsibility for their passing, but I can reflect deeply on what I do and why.
I also remember that death is not real.
Setting aside a costume (body) does not mean that we no longer exist.
What is crucial to ask is “have the goals you set before you came here been accomplished and the agreements that you had to help in other people's lives were met?
If not, this may well create a sorrow bigger than the one you face here once you are on the other side.
I was at the doctors the other day and she was speaking about how some people when filling out their living will decide that they have had a good life and they can feel good about moving on if they are found not responding instead of receiving resuscitation.
It sort of sounds like assisted suicide to me. I am not trying to criticize the medical field or make fun of our current reality. It just struck me as odd and I still have not decided what I would want done. I personally believe that if you are capable of forgiving the belief in separation from God on this side of the veil that this is the most profound work that you can do here.
Now, I am not trying to “judge” anyone here. I just think that we want to be aware that there is more to the picture than we currently accept as a society.
The act of being conscious enough to extend true forgiveness and acknowledgment of God into the world is a huge assist to the raising of consciousness right now. Please do not underestimate your value in this.
There was another online individual who was showing signs of despair as he apparently seeks for something real to hold on to:
“What things make you happy and give you energy?” was his first question.
I responded, “Knowing that we will gain happiness and enthusiasm for life as we shift from sleeping to awake. Having faith that this time that seems to be frozen in confusion will pass, and that you are needed, wherever you find yourself.
I rest in forgiveness of what we have created when it gets difficult for me. That gives me purpose.
Viktor Emil Frankl (26 March 1905–2 September 1997) was a Jewish-Austrian psychiatrist who founded logotherapy, a school of psychotherapy that describes a search for a life’s meaning as the central human motivational force. After surviving a WWII concentration camp he said,
“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”
I lean on that, too. My why is my commitment to following the teachings of Jesus and correcting the misconceptions that have been applied to them.
I currently listen to sound healing recordings as I do my online work and writing that I found useful.” (I did edit what I actually posted to him somewhat for this article.)
Then he said in another post,
“What do you do when you do not want to live ~ but you do not want to die?”
I replied, “Forgive the whole messy confusion and remember that we are all in the Mind of God Whole and Perfect, Eternally.
Get help if you need it.
911 emergency or 988 suicide hotlines.
God Is Real, I KNOW it. And so are YOU, ETERNALLY.”
One thing that is helping me today is to realize that I want to give up my attachment to linear time.
All things ARE already healed, in fact, they were never “broken” this is all a confused nightmare/dream of the Son of God thinking He and God could be separate.
Do you mom and dad’s relate at all the significance of this statement?
It is the belief in separation from God that manufactured a dream state that appears to be without Him AND leaves the individual vulnerable and capable of suffering and even death within the realm of “imagination” where we create images that may not have ANYTHING to do with REALITY.
2. The Holy (Wholly) Spirit will teach us how to treat each other. ~ Or how to walk with others in the dream state while doing the least harm in an environment made to prove that we were abandoned by God.
As we walk in the awareness of God in the Atonement and listen to His Voice in the Holy (Wholly) Spirit we will be guided day by day to understand our “place” and purpose in the world.
It is primarily to stand as witnesses of God’s Existence and of His Son’s Innocence which we commence or begin when we accept the Forgiving Atonement and undoing of the confusion of the Son of God
We are taught by Jesus that bodies are not real in A Course in Miracles.
Jesus was to learn (over time) that to give humanity a body to care for, even with an exchange for an eternal and perfected one, would only give them an outlet to create another “Tower of Babel” (this time psychologically) that allowed the ego to appear to take care of the body itself (which is not a true essence of God BECAUSE it changes and God does not change, nor does His Son) instead of relying fully on the assistance of God, the Father.
The organization for maintaining the body and its organized presentation appears to be quite good within organizations that do so. It can and DOES give the illusion that humanity can “take care of itself.”
If they had not fallen into this trap of self-preservation, they would have had their eyes opened to see their place within the Father as His One and Only Begotten and Perfect Son.
So, taking the “body” out of the equation, in the Atonement we have God alone as our support, our provider, and our protector. Here is where we may gain the remembering awareness that God IS.
Note that it also clears up the idea of needed a blood sacrifice from the Son of God. Christ is NOT our Salvation! Awareness that this is Who WE ARE allows us to recognize the Relationship that we have with the Father, as His Son.
As our witness of God’s Reality grows within us, we are able to observe the ego roles and costumes that people around us wear, not knowing that they, too, are in the Mind of God and cared for by Him. This can be tough to see but IF we are willing to stand and witness while holding awareness of God’s Presence in ALL things that are Real, we will bear witness to them that they are forgiven as I am for any ideas of separation and confusion.
3. Power Hunger; IE Bullying of Any Sort
We currently tolerate bullies in all walks of life.
Even 96-year-old ladies with fair health can have power hunger that drives them to drain the joy or light from those around them.
We pacify her and say that she is an old lady, and you need to tolerate this and have patience with her.
I disagree.
I do not give allowance for inappropriateness from the aged any more than I do a child. I acknowledge what is acceptable behavior and that is open communication with gratitude. I do not wish to be around anything else.
Our care facilities are getting the next age of those who have expectations of being entertained. This breeds violent attitudes and sometimes violent behavior.
A lot of it has to do with our expectations and toleration as a society. Equality needs to be for all regardless of ANY demographic or supposed difference.
Does that make ME a bully? You decide!
I am beginning to wonder if my only recourse is to feign (pretend) senility along with her to satisfy her need to belittle all that God is and has provided for her.
It seems to be used to guilt others into entertaining her and as such not only feeds her lack of faith but weakens another’s as well as they parrot back her complaints.
Like any bullying, it cannot hear or see that it is itself that it seeks to destroy. If you tolerate that behavior what you will come up with is a statement to others that bullying is acceptable and should be tolerated.
The children see it. At least the younger ones do. When it really is no longer seen depends on when they opt into a story of an elder or “other” that seems to fulfill their ego script.
We can alter this cycle and we must by saying “NO” to bullying.
And I have seen plenty of criminal accounts where the criminal states that he or she “did it” because they could get away with it. What a rush! Think about that!
4. Do we need to look after each other? If so, how do we engage with one another?
This took me some time to work through so that I understood what Jesus was sharing with me about how to get along as a United Consciousness.
Here was my big take-away:
***** I DO NOT support COMPLAINING, WHINING, Boredom, Competition, Envy, Belittling, or Strife, God tells me UR/We R MORE THAN THIS. 🥰*****
Let’s look after each other, but let’s look at what we are teaching ourselves as well.
Are we teaching dependence and lack of self-assurance?
Are we inviting God into our existence or BANISHING HIM?
What role does gratitude play and to Whom does it belong?
The Creator IS Who and What we ARE.
As we deny ourselves Peace, Joy, and Happiness we ARE Denouncing both God and ourselves.
Our ELDERLY may be the biggest offenders. They have the time and ABILITY to CORRECT this. Do not let them off the hook.
Notice I did not say sinners, because there is NO SUCH THING.
A mistake can be turned around.
Because I believe in God and in the empowerment of His Son, I am NOT being UNKIND by NOT ACCEPTING or supporting COMPLAINING, WHINING, Boredom, Competition, Envy, Belittling, or Strife.
Having an issue that needs to be tended is a different attitude.
It does not carry the hopelessness and futility that the other things do.
Let’s LIFT one another in our daily walk and honor God by honoring ourselves.
Please note that I do NOT tolerate these negative behaviors in myself either.
Not even in private thoughts. Journaling has helped me stay abreast of just where my attitude is heading.
Till next time, God bless, debi.