Universal Reading for December 2024 CHOOSE TO LIVE TODAY
1. The body is not your identity.
When it is, it becomes an idol that replaces God.
Think FATHER FIRST, in ALL THINGS, then take care of the body as an instrument of communication.
Urtext, page 595 and 596 with my thoughts*.
Do NOT use empathy (*seeing the body or the story, situation) to MAKE THE PAST REAL, and so perpetuate it. Step gently aside, and let the healing be done FOR you.
Keep but one thought in mind, and do not lose sight of it, however tempted you may be to judge the situation, and DETERMINE your response BY judging it.
Focus your mind only on this; “I am not alone, and I would not intrude the past upon my Guest. I have invited Him, and He is here. I need do nothing except NOT TO INTERFERE.”
True empathy is of Him Who knows what it is. (* SPIRIT) YOU will learn HIS interpretation of it, if you let Him use YOUR capacity for strength (* You are created out of what God is, after all.), and NOT for weakness.
He will NOT desert you, but be sure that YOU desert not Him (* Hold fast to SPIRIT).
Humility is strength in this sense only; to recognize and ACCEPT the fact that you do NOT know, is to recognize and accept the fact that He (*Father, Who communicates to you through SPIRIT) DOES know.
You are not sure that He will do His part, because you have NEVER YET DONE YOURS COMPLETELY (* Well, you THINK you have not because you have accepted ~ temporarily ~ the belief in separation from Father, Self, and All That Is).
You will NOT know how to respond to what you do NOT understand.
Be tempted not in this and yield not to the ego’s triumphant use of empathy, for ITS (* FAKE) glory.
The triumph of weakness is NOT what you would offer to a brother.
And yet you know no triumph but this (* weakness).
This is NOT (— pg. 595 — ) knowledge, and the form of empathy that would bring it about, is so distorted that it would imprison what it would release.
The unredeemed cannot redeem. Yet they HAVE a Redeemer. Attempt to teach Him not (* SPIRIT, the Whole Consciousness AND Father’s Voice).
YOU are the learner; He (* Father, through SPIRIT within) the Teacher.
Do not confuse your role with His, for this will NEVER bring peace to anyone.
Offer your empathy to Him (* JOIN HIM), for it is HIS perception and His strength that you would share. And let Him offer you HIS strength and HIS perception, to be shared THROUGH you. (*This describes how I feel that life is lived through SPIRIT for God, the Father and we get to OBSERVE as HIS SON.)
The meaning of love is lost in any relationship which looks to weakness, and hopes to find it there. (* This is the best that we can get when we join with our stories AS IF THEY ARE REAL. You can live in the story but DO NOT believe it is REAL OVER Father’s REALITY.)
The POWER of love, which IS its meaning (* IE. POWER is the meaning of LOVE), lies in the strength of God, which hovers over it and blesses it silently, by enveloping it in healing wings. LET THIS BE, and do not try to substitute YOUR “miracle” for this.
2. You are of Him, in Him, worthy of all that He is, innocent as a child is, AND capable of making mistakes.
Let that sink in.
3. Understand time.
It is given by God to the Son to clear up the confusion of the concept of separation or betrayal. Neither is possible and as Christ grows in understanding this healing will occur that erases the pains of the past and fear of the future.
4. Our insistence that this be our home keeps us trapped in the belief of suffering and pain.
I think of it as femininity, whether it be found in a male or female body.
In other words, we choose to INSIST that PAIN and DEATH be our deliverance instead of the Presence of Father, the One Original, Universal Creator of All That Is.
Till next time, God Bless, debi.