We Have Been Gaslit By the Interpretations of One of Humanities Greatest Documents

Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons
9 min readJul 17, 2022

It makes what happened in ancient times totally understandable.

My thoughts* on ACIM Lesson 194 Caution; Definite Triggers

Photo by Sebastien Gabriel on Unsplash

I place the future in the Hands of God.
1. Today’s idea takes another step toward quick salvation, and a giant stride it is indeed! ²So great the distance is that it encompasses, it sets you down just short of Heaven, with the goal in sight and obstacles behind. ³Your foot has reached the lawns that welcome you to Heaven’s gate; the quiet place of peace, where you await with certainty the final step of God. ⁴How far are we progressing now from earth! ⁵How close are we approaching to our goal! ⁶How short the journey still to be pursued!
* I want you to understand that I know that this place is reachable now. It is not in tomorrow or when this happens or that happens. It simply awaits your decision to accept the Atonement that Jesus calls you to. Heaven and peace await you whenever you are ready.
2. Accept today’s idea, and you have passed all anxiety, all pits of hell, all blackness of depression, thoughts of sin, and devastation brought about by guilt. ²Accept today’s idea, and you have released the world from all imprisonment by loosening the heavy chains that locked the door to freedom on it. ³You are saved, and your salvation thus becomes the gift you give the world, because you have received.
* Sounded good until number three where the acknowledgment that God received you and brought you unto Himself seems to have been omitted and instead YOU appear to be the salvation of the world, by receiving God into your bosom. A little grandiose if you ask me. And so it was when Jesus’ words were recorded in ancient times as well. God was set aside and CHRIST became SAVIOR which left humanity in his ego-state that Jesus had been able to overcome by stepping into the Atonement.
3. In no one instant is depression felt, or pain experienced or loss perceived. ²In no one instant sorrow can be set upon a throne, and worshipped faithfully. ³In no one instant can one even die. ⁴And so each instant given unto God in passing, with the next one given Him already, is a time of your release from sadness, pain and even death itself.
* Okay, here is God acknowledged. Yet, somehow superficially. You are still getting the CREDIT for bringing God into “your presence” in the holy instant and what needs to be understood is that God’s Presence MAKES the Holy Instant Possible and Real. It is when you look at all of Creation with the Eye(s) of God through the WITNESS of the Holy Spirit that you know yourself, God, and your brother.
4. God holds your future as He holds your past and present. ²They are one to Him, and so they should be one to you.
* Future, Past, and Present are One to God. And should be to us. This gives me a new meaning to the idea of NOW. Because all of it is in the Holy Instant and Seen through the Eye(s) of God by way of the Holy Spirit. I propose that this is how Jesus did his healing. By being in the place of the Holy Instant and knowing that the person he was inviting to join him there had the faith to do so at least for that moment.
³Yet in this world, the temporal progression still seems real. ⁴And so you are not asked to understand the lack of sequence really found in time.
* I propose that time mentioned here is not our linear time but may well be what we might experience within Heaven, in God’s Presence. After all, we are giving our Future into God’s Hands are we not? And this is not something that we must wait for until after we die. Heaven is accessible now.
* We may not be asked to understand how Past, Present, and Future can all fit within the Holy Instant of NOW but we can be aware of it.
⁵You are but asked to let the future go, and place it in God’s Hands. ⁶And you will see by your experience that you have laid the past and present in His Hands as well, because the past will punish you no more, and future dread will now be meaningless.
5. Release the future. ²For the past is gone, and what is present, freed from its bequest of grief and misery, of pain and loss, becomes the instant in which time escapes the bondage of illusions where it runs its pitiless, inevitable course. ³Then is each instant which was slave to time transformed into a holy instant, when the light that was kept hidden in God’s Son is freed to bless the world. ⁴Now is he free, and all his glory shines upon a world made free with him, to share his holiness.
* Here again, it starts out beautiful and then kicks Jesus’ personality and message right OUT of the picture! Jesus knows that it is NOT his glory that shines upon the world and that it is NOT his holiness that he shares but that God shares His Being with us. He states this in other places in the Course material. He knows that it is God’s Glory that shines on the world, which God’s Son is free through the Atonement to share with the world, so that it may be blessed. Now is the Son made free to share God’s Love and Holiness, as well as the Son’s witness of His own holiness through the Holy Spirit.
6. If you can see the lesson for today as the deliverance it really is, you will not hesitate to give as much consistent effort as you can, to make it be a part of you. ²As it becomes a thought that rules your mind, a habit in your problem-solving repertoire, a way of quick reaction to temptation, you extend your learning to the world. ³And as you learn to see salvation in all things, so will the world perceive that it is saved.
* You will have little trouble, in other words keeping the Holy Instant in mind if you understand that it offers Heaven on earth.
* This: “²As it becomes a thought that rules your mind, a habit in your problem-solving repertoire, a way of quick reaction to temptation, you extend your learning to the world.” is how you become an example and a LIGHT. That shows the world that it IS saved by God in its perfection and innocence as He Wills it to be.
7. What worry can beset the one who gives his future to the loving Hands of God? ²What can he suffer? ³What can cause him pain, or bring experience of loss to him? ⁴What can he fear? ⁵And what can he regard except with love? ⁶For he who has escaped all fear of future pain has found his way to present peace, and certainty of care the world can never threaten.
* You will still be in the place of confusion as you interact with others because they will be viewing the world from the place of ego-perception and you will not be in charge or even necessarily aware of what they see. You will have the assistant of the Holy Spirit though who can see where they are coming from.
⁷He is sure that his perception may be faulty, but will never lack correction. ⁸He is free to choose again when he has been deceived; to change his mind when he has made mistakes.
* This is where others around him have not yet accepted the Atonement for Himself. There is the assurance that the Holy Spirit will be with him to offer the correction as he needs it. “FREE to choose to change his mind when he has made mistakes!” I love this!
8. Place, then, your future in the Hands of God. ²For thus you call the memory of Him to come again, replacing all your thoughts of sin and evil with the truth of love.
* Here is God glorified because the “memory of Him” is God. BUT “you calling the memory of Him to come again” places YOU in a position of GLORY that is INAPPROPRIATE in the Presence of the Creator. It can seem a subtle difference by the difference between taking the credit for God’s Presence or allowing His Presence to be revealed is significant in terms of the relationship that you want and have with god.
³Think you the world could fail to gain thereby, and every living creature not respond with healed perception? ⁴Who entrusts himself to God has also placed the world within the Hands to which he has himself appealed for comfort and security. ⁵He lays aside the sick illusions of the world along with his, and offers peace to both.
* Again, the words read as if the Son should be praised instead of the Father! What with YOUR “healed perception.” “Who entrusts HIMSELF to God…” “has ALSO placed the world within the Hands to which HE has HIMSELF appealed for comfort and security.” WHAT! You do not place anyone anywhere. You simply take your place in the Atonement with Jesus and encourage others to do the same. Again, HE (you) lays aside the sick illusions of the world along with his (yours) and offers peace to both. Bear in mind that you cannot force another to enter the Atonement or the Holy Instant with you and while you offer peace from that place healthy boundaries are appropriate.
* What Jesus may have been saying was that “As you and your brother lay aside the sick illusions God offers HIS PEACE to both of you.” Which would mean both have entered the Atonement which would mean “9. Now are we saved indeed.”
9. Now are we saved indeed. ²For in God’s Hands we rest untroubled, sure that only good can come to us. ³If we forget, we will be gently reassured. ⁴If we accept an unforgiving thought, it will be soon replaced by love’s reflection. ⁵And if we are tempted to attack, we will appeal to Him Who guards our rest to make the choice for us that leaves temptation far behind. ⁶No longer is the world our enemy, for we have chosen that we be its friend.
* Because God provided a way for us to be saved from our cruel illusions. It is “IN GOD’s Hands that we rest, sure that only good can come to us.” IF God gets the GLORY. If we count on people to make that occur we will be lost and left out.
* The Holy Spirit will remind us under whose protection we are.
If we have truly left the ego-manipulation of guilt behind and follow the Holy Spirit that says we are worthy and Loved.
* The Him spoken of here is the Holy Spirit. I am gaining a greater appreciation for the ability of the Holy Spirit to literally work through me and my being IE, my “story” within the Universal Plan.
* Jesus would NEVER call “the world friend”, his very definition of the term denies it because it belongs to those who deny God.
I wanted this lesson to be correct as it was written. I really did. I wrote it out last night fully accepting, rather, manipulating the words into a positive. But I cannot deny what is happening. The gaslighting continues. The need to make you insane and think the opposite of truth is correct. The language appeals to us because we want to be able to “fix” things. But this IS THE ILLUSION. God must be given the reigns in the Mind of Christ. ONLY in this way will humanity find healing. Jesus would NEVER teach anything outside of this.

* Here, the EGO is being placed in a position of power and the relationship with God through the Holy Spirit is denied. The EGO has claimed the ability to take the Holy Instant and make the world its friend when the truth is Only God IS Good. The Holy Spirit is your friend and helps you walk through the confusion of the Mind of Christ with peace and joy because you have a witness from the Holy Spirit that God IS and that Creation is His Son.
* Anything less than this denies both you and God.
* It is enough to fry one’s brain! I understand this. I chose a path in this world that allowed me to have the training of not being allowed a sane thought and needing to rely on the Holy Spirit completely in my life. This is how I recognize what is going on and how I can speak in confidence about it. I do not seek to “convince” anyone. I know the truth and so does the Holy Spirit and He will share it with you if you will give God half a chance through the complete forgiveness found in the Atonement.
Till next time, God bless, debi.



Debra (Debi) Yvonne Simmons

Atonement, His (Christ’s) Story, Three Temptations: Addiction, Power-Hunger, and Depression, “Seeing” Truth in the “Unseen”, Living Above the Chaos C U there :)