You may have tossed it by now. And if you approach it as an intellectual exercise or something you can do with other humans you will do it an injustice.
Its purpose is to show you the cause of the confusion in the world and to show you that you have the ability to connect with God through you inner guidance system that we all have.
If you are set against a loving God and creator you will shun its message or at least distort it.
I have found it invaluable in my walk on earth and the teachings of the ego are seen publicly and privately everywhere.
I believe its witness of the Atonement to be the only hope for the human condition and destruction that we insist on as we consider ourselves separate from one another and from God.
I am seeking to share what it is like to walk in the world from the place of the Atonement. I am just two years old in doing so myself and it is phenomenal.